Chapter 21

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Monday morning.
Ashley was with Riley and Corkie in the school hallway. Sarah hadn't come to school yet.

"So how's your project with Valerie coming up?" Riley asked.

"Pretty good. We make a really good team." Ashley replied with a smile.

"What about you guys?" She asked Riley and Corkie.

'Well," Riley started. "We're off to a good start. I think I would love to have Corkie as my partner in all projects." Riley commented and Corkie's cheeks turned bright red as she repeatedly kept on blinking. Just then Sarah walked up to them.

"Hi guys." She said.

"Hey Sarah. How's your project with Kenzie coming up?" Ashley asked.

"I don't even know what to say. It's a pretty rough start." Sarah said.

"How?" Riley asked.

'If I bring up any ideas, she says it's too simple. She always has something to say and she's always saying it with mouthfuls." Sarah said as if reporting a complaint.

"Oh, sorry. But if she tries anything, you talk back too." Ashley encouraged. But the truth was that she didn't even understand what she just said. "The Sarah Danvers I know isn't so weak."

"I guess." Sarah replied.

Just then, two boys approached them. They were in the same as Ashley but not in the same class. One was tall and had brown hair with brown eyes while the other was a few inches shorter and had black hair with pale blue eyes.

"Hi." The one with brown hair said.

"H...i" Ashley replied unsure whether they were talking to her or not. She couldn't help but notice how cute they were.

"I'm Cole." The one with brown hair introduced "And this," he added pointing at the person standing next to him. "Is Roy."

"Wow, hi. Nice to meet you." Ashley replied.

"You're Ashley right? And this," Cole said pointing at Riley this time. "Is Riley right?"

Ashley was surprised. "Yes. But how...." She didn't finish when Roy interrupted her.

"We're in the same grade with you. Just not in the same class." He said.

"Yeah. We're in IVY and you guys are in DAISY." Cole added.

"Uh-huh. Well, these other two are Corkie and Sarah. They're my friends too." Ashley said.

"Hi." Sarah and Corkie said almost at the same time.

"Nice to meet you guys." Roy said.

"You didn't let me finish my question." Ashley started again. "How did....." Ashley wasn't done when another interruption from Roy came which kind of pissed her off.

"We know your name is Ashley?" Roy finished as if stating the obvious

"Is interruption your hobby?" Ashley asked curtly.

Cole chuckled a little. "Don't mind him. We knew your name through you."

"How?" Ashley asked again confused.

"Yeah, you haven't even met her before and you said through her." Sarah said.

"What I mean is, through that silly competition she had with Valerie last week." Cole explained.

"Ooooh." Ashley and Riley said at the same time then started to laugh.

"And it was you Sarah." Roy said. "That said her name that day. When you climbed the table and snatched her test result." Sarah gave him a sneer.

"It's ok." Ashley said chuckling. "Nice to meet you both. Again."

Just then the bell for class rang.

"Time to go." Riley said.

"Yeah. I guess we'll see you guys around." Cole said looking directly at Ashley.

"Yeah, I guess." Ashley replied as a slight blush creeped into her cheeks.

"C'mon Cole." Roy said and started going back in the direction they came from with Cole trailing behind.

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