Chapter 10

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It's been a week since Ashley and her mom moved to LA. Everything was ok for both of them.
One day in class, while the biology teacher was teaching, she threw a question at Ashley and she answered correctly.
"Excuse me ma'am" Valerie said.
"Yes Valerie. What's wrong?"
"Why didn't you ask me. I raised my hand up to answer the question but you picked her. She didn't even lift a finger." Valerie complained.
"Do you have any problem with that? I know you're smart n'all but she's the new student. I was only testing her capabilities."
Valerie just grumbled something and stared at Ashley. Ashley returned it with a smirk.
"That reminds me class." The teacher said. "We'll be having a class test next week. So be prepared. Today's Wednesday, so you don't have much time." The teacher said. Just then, the bell for lunch rang and the teacher immediately packed her stuff and left.
While the group sat down to eat lunch, Sarah suddenly spoke.
"Ashley, how did you get that question. It was very hard."
Ashley looked at Sarah.
"Studying of course." Ashley said.
"Wasn't it obvious." Corkie asked.
"Oh. Right." Sarah agreed.
"Just let it be." Riley said.
Just then, Valerie walked up to their table, but she was alone this time.
"What do you want this time?" Ashley asked. "And where's your entourage?"
"Well..... you might've answered my question today but....." Valerie was still talking when Ashley cut her off.
"Hold on. Your question. Are you stupid?"
Valerie looked mad. "Look Ashley, know your lane and stay right there." Sarah wanted to talk but Riley stopped her.
"I'm in my lane. You're the one stepping out of yours by bugging me all the time. I don't know what I've done to you."
"Just stay out of my way. I would love to beat you during the class test." Valerie said.
"I can pass this test in a heartbeat." Ashley said confidently.
"Oh really?" Valerie said
"Then let's bet on it." Valerie suggested.
"Go play games. I don't have that strength." Ashley said.
"Don't chicken out now." Valerie said.
"Ok fine. Person with the lowest mark gives the winner a 100 bucks and apologizes to her for all the trouble caused right here in the cafeteria."
"Fine with me." Valerie said and stormed off.
"How are you gonna beat her?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah Ashley. I can't even beat her." Corkie said.
"She's the class topper, but I'll show her her place." Ashley said.
"I believe Ashley. She can do it." Riley said.
"Okay." Sarah said.
"If anyone's bold enough to bring Valerie down, then it's Ashley." Riley said and looked at her, then smiled.
Soon lunch was over and everyone went back to their classes.
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