Chapter 18

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"Leave her alone Ava, even you Owen." Valerie said as she was coming down the stairs.
"But we're still talking." Ava said whining.
"She's here for an assignment not chitchat. Now run along, both of you." Valerie said.
"You're mean." Ava said and ran off. Owen followed.
"They're your siblings." Ashley said in a question like manner. "Wow."
"What?" Valerie asked.
"They seem much better than you." She said.
"At least they're not like you." Valerie retorted back.
"Why don't we get back to why I'm here." Ashley said.
"Then let's go up to my room." Valerie said. "This way."
Ashley followed Valerie up the stairs until the reached the second floor then turned right. They walked down the hallway and stopped at a door with the name Valerie on it.
Valerie opened the door and they walked in. Valerie's room was very beautiful, it was very big, her windows had shutters, she had a walk-in closet and an ensuite (bathroom) by the side, her bed was dressed in white and red sheets with a thick black duvet. By the side was a reading table with a laptop, at another corner was a dressing table with a mirror over it and on the table was a small little frame of Valerie and a woman whom she guessed to be her mother. The walls of the room weren't paint but a wallpaper of black and white stripes.
"Quit admiring my room and sit down." Valerie scoffed.
"I admire ugly things you know." Ashley said with a smug smile.
Valerie didn't reply and just pointed at a white couch next to her double poster bed. Ashley sat down facing Valerie who had pulled out a bean bag from under her reading desk and sat down." Valerie said as she stood up again to get a sketch pad and a pencil. Then she sat down back again.
"Well, it's a science project, we're to construct the solar system right. Just some paper maché here and there, with some paint and a metal rod." Ashley finished.
"Hmm...." Valerie was thinking.
"Look, this is not the time to fight or argue about anything, you know this is our mark we're working on."
"I know, fine we'll do this your way. You're right about using rod-like metal."
"Yes, then we can make the platform, that is, the base electrical."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," Ashley sighed. "Like we make the base electrical, we bore tiny starry planets into the platform, and then surely have a dome to cover it so that when we press a button on the platform the whole thing lights up with the dome having a galaxy impression of whatsoever and those tiny holes reflecting tiny planets in tiny starry form.
"That's brilliant." Valerie exclaimed excitedly. "This is the best idea ever. You're not bad."
"I know." Ashley concurred. "The only problem is the platform because the rod has to be inserted onto it. So that when it gets on, it spins along with it"
"True. I know an engineer that can do it for us, he'll do that and then we do the planets." Valerie suggested.
"I don't know Val. Aren't we meant to do all this ourselves?"
"Ohh come on, it's not actually an engineer, it's my cousin Rex. He can do it, we don't know anything about electricity do we?"
Ashley didn't say anything.
"Plus," Valerie continued. "Sir George didn't say we can't ask adults for help did he now."
"Ok fine." Ashley said giving in.
"Well do you have any old papers and buckets you ain't using, so that we can do the construction of the planets."
"Hmm..." Valerie thought. "I dunno, maybe the storeroom."
"Then let's go check it out."
Just then someone knocked on the door.
"Yes, come in." Valerie said. A young maid came in.
"Miss Valerie, your mom wants you and your friend to come down for lunch."
"Ok. We're coming." Valerie replied and the servant left.
"We will go check it out. Right after lunch." Valerie told Ashley.
"What's your mom's name?" Ashley asked curiously

Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter of Desperate.

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I won't update until I'm back from boarding school....dat is after exams....Soo bye for now see u den😊


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