Chapter 7

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That night during dinner, Ashley's mom asked her how school was.
"How was school today dear?"
"It was ok. Except for that the schools bully is out for me." Ashley said with a disappointed tone.
"What happened?"
"I don't know. She just seems to hate me because I'm a newbie."
Her mom didn't know what to say. "Just be careful, and try not to land in any trouble."
"Yes mom."
After dinner, Ashley called Lily and told her everything that happened that day in school.
"Wow, Ashley," she began. "Same as always. Not letting people bring you down and never giving up."
Ashley chuckled. "Lol. I wasn't gonna let that brat take over our table. And Riley was on my side too."
Yeah, Riley. She sounds cool. I'd like to speak with her someday." Lily said.
"Don't worry, you will. She's gonna come over tomorrow too. We go to school together now."
"Yeah. Just be careful around that girl and her minions." Lily advised.
"I will. Now that I'm in LA, I can find out if my dad's still alive or not."
Lily's eyes widened. "What? Your father's alive?" Ashley how?"
"I don't really know but....." Ashley proceeded to tell Lily everything that happened up in her attic back at New York.
So, I think my dad might still be alive. There's just something my mom's not telling me." Ashley concluded.
"Hmm," Lily thought. "He might still be, but just be careful and don't act too desperate. If he's still alive, I'm sure there's a reason why your mom kept him away from you."
"Ok. I will." Ashley said not giving much consideration into what Lily said.
Lily yawned. She was probably feeling tired. "I'm very serious Ashley. You know how you act. Well, I'm feeling sleepy. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Ashley said and ended the call.
The next day in school, Ashley and Riley entered the class. Once Ashley sat on her seat, the whole class heard a loud fart noise. Everyone looked in the direction the sound came from. Ashley. Ashley looked stunned. Everyone looked shocked until someone began too laugh. It was a guy. And just like that everyone joined in.
Ashley stood up and looked at her seat and was surprised to see a fart cushion there. How hadn't she noticed that? Sarah hadn't come to school yet so who could have done it. Ashley looked around and spotted Val and her gang laughing in a corner. By then the whole class knew the main reason behind the sound.
Ashley then picked up the fart cushion and threw it straight at them.  It landed right on Valerie's face.
Everyone began to laugh, but this time, at Valerie.
Valerie removed it from her face and wanted to throw a tantrum. Ashley just looked to the other side. Then she saw a girl sitting in a corner. She looked so lonely. She had oale blue eyes and brown hair and seemed to be blinking too much.
"Who's that? Ashley asked Riley.
"That's Corkie. She's very Shy.". Riley replied.
"Oh." Ashley said simply.
"Yeah, it makes her a target for bullies. Most especially Val." Riley added.
Just then Val said something. "Hey Corkie. Come over here."
Corkie was about to move when Ashley stopped her.
Don't go." She said. Valerie got mad.
"Mind your own business Ashley. Corkie get over here." Valerie demanded.
Ashley then walked over to Corkie's position and held her hand.
"She's not going anywhere. "Why do you like picking on other kids so much Val. Why don't you pick on someone your own size."
Everyone was enjoying the drama going on.
"Ashley, mind your own business." Valerie repeated.
Corkie couldn't even say anything or speak up.
Valerie didn't know what to say so she walked up to them but just then the teacher entered and everyone went back to their seats.

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