Chapter 4

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During the flight, Ashley didn't say a word to her mother. She wasn't avoiding her, just that she didn't want to talk to anyone. She just said that the window looking down upon the tiny houses and trees below. She wondered what kind of adventures waited for her in LA.
Two hours later, Ashley nd her mom were at their new home. The movers had already dropped their boxes on the porch there.

 The movers had already dropped their boxes on the porch there

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The above picture is Ashley's new home.
While they were busy unpacking the boxes, the doorbell rang and Ashley went to go open the door. It was Mr Hurley at the door.
"Good day sir." Ashley said making way for him to come in. Mr Hurley smiled at her and then walked in.
"Good day." Lilianna said when she saw him.
"Thank you." He said. "Do you like the new house?"
"Yes, we do." Ashley's mom replied.
"I came to inform you that Ashley will be starting school tomorrow. It's a private school. Luckily this ones don't wear uniforms". He said.
Ashley looked surprised. "Wow, thank you." She said all smiles.
Mr Hurley looked at her and smiled. "My pleasure. I spoke to your nextdoor neighbours yesterday. Their daughter goes to the same school. She'll be coming to take Ashley to school."
"Well here." He said handing her a pamphlet.
She looked down at the book. She saw Wright Academy written on the front cover.
"What's this?" She asked.
"That is your school's prospectus." He replied.
Ashley looked at it again. "Wright Academy huh?" She scoffed. "Cool name."
Wright Academy. Lilianna's head rung. She knew the school.
"I'm leaving." Mr Hurley said to Lilianna. But she wasn't paying attention until he snapped a finger in front of her face.
Lilianna jerked. "Yes."
"What were you thinking of?" He asked.
"Nothing." She said.
"Well, I'll be taking my leave." He said and left the house.
After Ashley and her mom had finished unpacking all the boxes, Ashley took her suitcase and went upstairs to pick a room for her self. After unpacking her suitcase, she laid down on her bed feeling tired.
Few hours later, her mom called her down for dinner. When she came down, she saw that her mom had prepared pork chops.
She sat down on the seat as her mom handed her plate over to her. Then her mom sat down opposite.
"So, do you like it here?" Her mom asked.
"It's okay." Ashley said simply.
"Are you happy about school tomorrow?"
"Yeah. Wright Academy sounds nice."
It is." Her mom approved. "It's one of the top schools here in LA."
Ashley stopped eating. "How did you know that?" She asked.
"Know what?" Her mom said.
"Know that's it's a top school. Mr Hurley didn't say that."
Her mom didn't know what to say. "Umm..... research."
"Ok." But Ashley wasn't sure whether to believe her or not. No one spoke after that.
After dinner, Ashley freshened up and put on her PJs. Then she sat on her reading table and switched on her laptop. After that she connected it to her phone and put a video call across to Lily. After a few seconds, Lily answered.
"Hi Lily." She said.
"Hey Ashley. How are you?"
"I'm ok. You?"
"I'm ok too. How's LA?" She asked.
"It's beautiful."
They talked for about an hour before they bade each other good night.

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