Chapter 8

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During lunch time, as Ashley, Riley and Sarah sat on a table, Ashley then asked Sarah a question.
"Why did you come late today?"
"I woke up late, so....I came late." Sarah said simply.
Ashley nodded and looked towards the lunch line. She saw Corkie there.
"Isn't that Corkie?" She asked. Riley and Sarah looked in her direction.
"Yeah. What happened?" Riley asked.
"I couldn't help but notice, why does she blink so much?"
"About that...." Riley said and looked at Sarah. "Why don't you take this one?"
Sarah was more than happy to explain. "Ok. She's been like that since she was born. Apparently, she has a genetic disorder called Blepharospasm."
Ashley blinked. "Excuse me, say what now?"
Sarah laughed. "I don't really know how to explain but it causes excessive blinking due to abnormal contraction of the eyelid muscles. That's why kids at school use it to make fun of her. And she's always alone."
"Whoa." Ashley said then looked at the lunch line again. Corkie had gotten her lunch and was heading towards the exit.
"Hold on. Where's she going?" Ashley asked.
"The janitor's closet." Sarah replied.
"Wait, What? Why?"
"That's where she has her lunch since she has no friends."
"That's absurd." Ashley said and ran after Corkie.
"Wow, Ashley really has a big heart." Sarah said.
"She really does." Riley approved.
Ashley ran after Corkie as she walked down the hallway.
"Wait, Corkie. Hold on." She called after her.
Corkie turned back and was surprised to see Ashley.
"Ashley.... what are you doing here?"
"Umm....hello. I'm meant to be asking you that question."
Corkie looked down.
"Where are you going? The cafeteria is over there." Ashley said pointing in the direction they just came from.
"I don't have any friends. I'm sure Sarah must have told you everything ."
"For the record, I asked her to. And, we're willing to be your friends. Please, just stop eating in the janitor's closet and come sit with us." Ashley said and Corkie nodded and followed her.
As Ashley, Riley, Sarah and Corkie were eating, Val, Meg and Sam walked up to them.
"Wow. So you guys decided to make friends with blinky over here." Val said. Corkie looked down.
"If it isn't the three dumb heads. Mind your own business Valerie." Ashley said.
"I'm not dumb. I'm very smart. I'm a class topper." Valerie said.
Ashley rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Now can you please move aside."
"I'm not yet done with you Ashley." Valerie said. "Come on guys. Let's go." She said and they left the table. Soon lunch was over and they went back to class.
After school, the four of them walked home together. Then they came to the same junction and Sarah together with Corkie went their way while Ashley and Riley continued.
As they reached Ashley's porch, Riley suddenly remembered something.
"Oh Ashley, I totally forgot." Riley said.
"We're coming over for dinner. Tell your mom. It's kinda like a Meet n' greet." Riley said.
"Oh...ok." Ashley said.
"Bye then." Riley said and walked towards her own porch while Ashley entered her house.

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