Chapter 17

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"Valerie is so frustrating." Ashley said stressing on the so.
It was in the night that same day after dinner. She was in her room talking to Lily through video chat.
"If she's so frustrating, why don't you just tell her to stop?" Lily asked.
"You don't get it. But never mind that. We're stuck together on an assignment."
"Bummer huh?" Lily said.
"You said it"
"What about your father? Any luck?"
"Not really though?" Ashley said but still went ahead to tell her about the carving found in the park.
"Wow. That's new." Lily said surprised.
"I still have hope." Ashley said with a yawn.
"Sleepy already huh?"
"As usual." Ashley replied dryly.
"You're such a sleepy head."
Ashley just rolled her eyes. "Good night Lily."
"Good night." Lily replied and hung up.

The next morning, Ashley told her mom she was going to a friend's house for a school assignment.
"Ok, but be back home before me." Her mom had said before leaving the house.
Using the address Riley texted her, Ashley locked up her house and started heading for Valerie's house. On reaching there, she saw that Valerie's parents were rich. They had a huge house with a fancy garden, big gates even guard dogs.
"Wow, that explains her snotty behavior." Ashley thought.
She rang the bell at the gate and a man came out.
"Who are you looking for young girl?" He asked, his voice coarse.
"I'm looking for Miss Valerie. Is she home?"
"Yes she is. Come in." The man said and opened a smaller gate by the side for her. She started walking down the porch up until she reached the front door. When she rang the doorbell, the door was opened by a girl dressed in a maid attire.
"More servants huh." Ashley thought.
"I'm looking for Valerie. Is she home?" Ashley repeated.
"Yes, come in." Was the simple reply.
She entered the house to see a very large living room. It was very beautiful. Black and white striped couches, golden curtains, a mini sized hanging chandelier. It was just beautiful. Just then, a little girl of about 7 years ran in, as she was being chased by another boy of 10 years. They saw Ashley and stopped running then went to talk to her instead.
"Helo. What's your name?" The girl asked.
"My name is Ashley. What about you?"
"My name is Ava, his name is Owen." She said.
"Wow, Nice names." Ashley commented.
"Thank you." The two chorused.
"Leave her alone Ava, even you Owen." Valerie said as she was coming down the stairs.

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