Graduation ceremony

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⚠️triggers⚠️: sterilization, mentions of punishments

Word count: 923

They were trying to escape Madame!

"Madame B that's not true!", I try to explain myself. But it's too late. Why would they believe a random girl and not a soldier?

"This little girl, she's distracting you too much. Get her away from here. You know where to.", Mme B starts.

No not Alanna!

"And get us the surgeons. I want them to run some tests on her and tomorrow the Graduation ceremony should be done."

I want to say something but my voice isn't going with me. I can't get anything out of my throat. It seems impossible.
"No! Don't take me, I want to stay with Natasha!", Alanna shouts before a man takes her and injects some sleep serum into her.
"Please...", I manage to say before seeing black...


I open my eyes to soon realize that my arms and feet are chained on a cold hard metal table. I can't move or feel anything.
I try to hold my head up to at least see what they're doing to me. But I can't even do this.
They're sterilizing me. I just know it and it makes sense. And I know I should be worried about it but I'm not as much as I am about Alanna. I want to get out of here. Out of the fucking red room, with her.

I start seeing blurry again. Then I see black again.


Alanna's pov

"Why would they do this? Why would they cut almost all our hair off?", I ask a girl, who's sitting next to me. She some years older than me but we get along well. If we weren't in such an awful place I would say this is better than the red room.
"to them we both did something bad and this is one of our punishments."
"One of our punishments!? Aren't they punishing us enough by letting us stay at this stinky and wet place!?"
I don't want to be here anymore. I regret saying what I said, I want to go back to Natasha. I feel safe with her...not here.
"I don't get it either...what's your name?"
"Alanna, yours?"
"Anna...what did you do to be here? I tried to hit one of the Madame's just yesterday."
"I didn't do anything..."
Then we stay silent. Silent for maybe half an hour. I'm scared of what might happen to Natasha. I don't know where they took her. I know it seems weird but yes 2 year olds also have worries. And mine for the moment is Nat.  I grew up in here and never had something like a mother or a father. Then she came and she was so nice and caring, no one ever treated me this well. She's like the mother figure I never had...Now they took her away from me and once again I have no one.
I look to my left, where Anna is sitting. Her blue eyes are shining like diamonds through the darkness. I wonder how she looks like with her long brown hair. I can hear how she's trying not to cry but since we're the only ones in this cold room I can hear every single sob if hers. Suddenly I start hearing footsteps.
"I'm scared Anna.."
"I know you are, I'm too, but we can't escape from it.", she tells me soon getting nearer and nearer to me.
"If they hurt you don't let them see your pain."
I look at her in confusion.
"They'll loose the joy in doing whatever they're doing to you. Believe me, I've been through this a lot."
"They'll hurt me?"
But she doesn't manage to answer me before a man opens the door, enters the room and tears me to another room. It doesn't really take me log to even realize which man it is. A man who's gaze I'll never forget.
"You know you're re a little snitch, right? And little snitches get punished specially the ones who want to escape the red room."
"You do exactly know we didn't want to escape..."
"But everyone thinks so. And you almost ruined my life so, you and your friend Natasha will really pay for it...oh let me correct myself. She already is paying  for it." 


Natashas pov

I've been crying all day, all night, all morning for two days. Of course not the whole time. I had my breaks here and there but it was like I didn't take any breaks.
I've had enough time to think and I have come to the decision to make them trust me again. I'll do anything to get out of this room.  And once they trust me I'm going to escape from here. With Alanna.
But first I need to rest. Rest for a while because this pain is killing me. This is really the worst pain I've ever felt. But I can't change that. I will never be able to change that. I can change Alanna's and my future though.
Alanna... I have to find her. I have to make sure she is ok!
I look down at my stomach. Even though it hurts like hell, I do it because I want to see how it looks like. I want to see how what they did to me looks like. And I want to make sure to get used to seeing my stomach this way because I'll never be able to see it grow because a human being is inside me.

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