A huge lie

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⚠️triggers⚠️: mentions of sexual abuse

Word count: 1331

*5 days later*
After waking up and after Madame B setting me free I take a quick bath and basically run to the cafeteria. The days now are not as stressful as they were before. Madame B keeps telling us that we get to take a Break until the graduation ceremony. It's a little boring so I started helping out with the little girls group. Alanna is in it. I don't know but I see my younger self in her. She's just as stubborn as I was when I was younger. After what she says no one is allowed to tell her what to do and that's a huge problem here in the red room. I love her braveness but, it will get her many problems here.
I'm trying to teach her what to and what not to do but I feel like she just listens to me when I'm with her because every time I see her again a new bruise is on her. It's starting to concern me. She's changing. She's being scared of a lot of things and people.
I know I just got to know her 3 days ago, but I care for her. And I swear that if someone tries to hurt her in front of me I'm gonna kill them.

Alanna is good at everything she does. But the most fun she has in Ballet. For a two year old her technique is pretty well and she's also really flexible, that's good cause other girls need to suffer now because they aren't.

„Alanna!", I shout waving from the cafeteria door. She runs towards me holding her tiny arms up fro me to carry her so I do. She's wearing the same everyone else wears. A black tank top with black sports short pants. I hug her tighter as I realize she's freezing. It makes me angry to see everyone in here suffer but it makes me even angrier to see her suffer. There's something and I don't know what, but its something that makes me feel bonded to her. It's like we were supposed to meet and I'm supposed to protect her.
"Wait here, I'mma go get my breakfast."


"Go get changed Alanna.", I say. She nods and enters the changing room. She has to change into her ballet clothes and since there are so many girls in her age I decided to head to her classes a little earlier. I want to save her all the trouble she would get if she came in late.

"Here to help again?", I get shivers as I hear this voice. Madame B.
While turning to her I answer:
"Yes, I thought you told us to help out with the little girls."
"Yes, I told you to help out, but I think that today you should help Veronica I'll see how Alanna does it.", she says with one of her dumb grins on her ugly face.
I just nod but deep inside I want to take her by her hair, tear them all out and hit her till I can't anymore. There's a reason why I'm trying to help Alanna and that's because I know that after the ceremony I won't have enough time to spend with her.  Now she's even taking that from me. Awesome.

Alanna comes out with a bright smile on her face but it fades away as soon as she sees the soldiers behind me. It's like a scared look.

"What's wrong Alanna?", I ask. She takes me by my hand and drags me to the other side of the room.
"They hurt girls...at night..."
"What do you mean..?"
"They steal girls from their beds at night and they come back with bruises all over their bodies."
Those bastards are still doing it...
"Did they do it to you too?"
"Hurt you...at night I mean..."
"Yeah...but it's ok because they told me they were allowed to do this I'm just scared because it hurts a lot..."
My eyes start feeling watery. That's what they used to tell me before they raped me. They're doing it to them and they think it's ok...

"They do this every night to all of you?", I whisper.
"Hmm. Always a different one.", she nods.
"but don't tell anyone I'm not allowed to tell anyone either..."
I'm not telling anyone, but I'll make them suffer for what they're doing to them.


Madame B looks at my direction one last time then she closes the door. Now I have to wait 10 minutes. Ten minutes until I get to make people those assholes pay for what they've been doing for years.
8 minutes pass till I can't wait anymore.
I know how to get out of those stupid handcuffs I just didn't have to do this before because I knew I would be in trouble then. But now, I'm not scared of any one of them. I have my fears but they do not belong to them.
I take out one of those strong bobby-pins and open the handcuffs.
I tip toe to the room of the little ones silently enter it and wait for someone to arrive. And indeed not 15 minutes later two men enter the room and walk around.
They keep walking around then stop. I don't know who they took. The only things I can hear are keys bang against each other and then one of the men saying:
"Shh be quiet."
The little girl then asks:
"Are you gonna hurt me again?", her voice is sleepy and weak and shit I recognize this voice....

It's Alanna...

I have to help her.


As soon as they close the door behind them I wait 5 minutes and then go out as well. A huge mistake because I lost them. I can't find them and it's freaking me out because they might be doing god knows what to Alanna right now. I start running around the halls in a enough quiet way.
In the end of the hall I hear a cry. A cry of pain. They must be around here. Then there it is. The last door in all the hallways of the red room.
I can hear lots of footsteps.
"Please stop it you're hurting me!"
"Shut up you little дерьмо (shit)!"
„ты лучше заткнись, мудак!(you better shut up you asshole)!", Alanna answers the man.
I hear her scream once again and that's my sign. They're hurting her And I will stop them.

I open the door and see those two men holding her as she tries to free herself. Thank god she's still in her pajamas! No sexual harassment yet but she's hurt. Her knee is bleeding and on her arms you can see the red mark of grown up hands. Her eyes are red from all the crying as she shouts:


"Oh look, we got more company. Our little Natasha. Get her and make sure she doesn't get out of here.", the blond man says.

The brown haired man walks toward me. As he arrives he takes me by my arm. His grip is pretty strong but hey, I was trained to beat asses like them!

I take his arm and make him fly over my shoulder so that in the end he's laying unconscious on the floor.
Then I start walking toward the blond man and Alanna. I try to hit him but he's faster. He punches me in the face what the reason is why I end up with a bloody nose. When Alanna sees that the man's distracted she jumps off the table and starts biting his leg. That's when he yells in pain and Madame B enters the room.

"What is going on in here!?"

I was about to tell her what really happened when I got interrupted.

"They were trying to escape Madame!"
The man with the brown hair tells her.

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