Weird feelings and positive tests, or maybe not?

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"I'm going now mom.", I look at Alanna, who's standing in front of Bella, Steve and me. She looks cute. A high ponytail, some mini hoop earrings, a hoodie and one of the usual boyfriend jeans she wears. It's nearly 5pm. "I still don't understand why she has to tutor a boy that's older than her. Couldn't they find anyone else?", Steve complains. "They asked us for help, besides I trust Alanna and so should you.", I explain. I look at Alanna and give her a little smile.
"So, can I go?", she asks. I nod. "Bye!", she shouts while closing the door. "Bye!", the three of us say at the same time.
I stand up and walk towards the kitchen. I grab an apple and continue watching a movie with Steve and Bella. "Do you really?", Steve suddenly asks. "What?", I question. "Do you really trust her?"
I nod. "She knows my rules. Till now she hasn't broken any single one of them."
He nods in agreement.
"Plus this boy, he's definitely not her type."

Alanna's pov
The day before
„I don't mind at all.", I answer Daniel. He takes a seat in front of me.  "Where's your friend?", he suddenly asks. Does he mean Lila? "You know, the one you're always with.", Daniel then adds. I look back at my food. I haven't even eaten one spoon yet.
"She isn't feeling well.", I simply tell him.
She hasn't been feeling well for some time now. I'm starting to worry about her.
Then there's silence. I take a bite of my food and start analyzing everything around me. I can hear all the different voices around me. I look to my right. All his friends are sitting there. But somehow only one seems to be paying attention to our conversation except for this boy. I don't know his name but he's Daniels best friend. He's staring at us.
He looks scared. I look at Daniel again. He's already starring at me. I furrow my brows. "Sorry...", he apologizes. I chuckle as I see how quickly his face turns red. "No problem.", I smile.


"Hey Alanna!", Daniel says stepping aside for me to enter his house.
Oh my god it's huge...
"Hi Daniel.", I greet. He closes the door behind him and starts walking, I follow him.
"How are you?", he asks. I nod. "I'm okay, you?", I ask back. "Same as you."
I sit down. He sits down next to me. "So", I start. "What is it you need help with today?"
He takes out his Spanish stuff. That's good. I understand Spanish the best. I had a mission once in Colombia. I bettered my Spanish there.
"Ok, show me everything you have."

Natasha's pov
"Time to sleep Bella.", I confirm. "Aww!", she complains.  "It's way too early mom!"
"Uh uh missy, go get ready for bed."
She rolls her eyes at me. Then looks at Steve. I guess she's expecting him to say something against my statement. He looks at me. I just give him my stare. "Sorry little one, it's a school night."
"Arghh!", she argues, gets up and leaves. "In 30 minutes I want you down here all ready, alright?"
"Alright mom!"
I chuckle as I snuggle into Steve. "She's a bit moody today.", he tells me. I exhale and look up. "Just wait till she's a teenager."
He hugs me tighter, then gives me a peck on my lips.
"We won't have to worry about it any time soon, she's just ten."
I smile.
They're growing up so fast...
"Yeah, don't worry. Three more years.", I admit. Then suddenly I start hearing a buzzing sound.
I look at my phone. Lila's calling. Weird, she rarely calls me. Mostly we talk when she talks with Alanna. I quickly get up from the couch.  "I'll be right back", I tell Steve. He nods.
"Hey aunty Nat...", I hear Lila say. Her voice trembling. "Hey cutie, is everything okay?" She pauses before answering. "Yes."
She's lying. I watched her grow up and this is not how she sounds like when she's okay. "Uhm, is Alanna home?", she then asks. "Not right now, but as soon as she gets home, I'll tell her to call you back."
"Are you sure you are okay Lila?", I ask again.
She wants to continue talking but gets interrupted by cooper. "Dinner's ready Lila.", he quickly tells her then closes the door. "Yes aunty, I'm okay."
"Promise me?", I reassure. "Pinky promise.", Lila assures. "Go eat dinner with your family now.", I tell her. "Alright, bye!"

Alanna's pov

"Alanna if every teacher taught the way you teach I'd actually be good at school."
I smile at him. He's actually smart. He just needs more time to understand. I look at him  and there he is again already staring at me.
He looks kind of cute when he smiles. And when he looks at me with his gorgeous green eyes....

Stop it Alanna

"Seriously, thank you Alanna...", he tells me. I nod. ""I'm here to help.", I say.


"I'm home mom!", I shout. "Great! Lila called, I think you should call her back, she didn't sound that great."
I nod. "Alright I'll call her right now."
Lila called?
That's weird.
I look at my phone. She tried to call me before.
We usually make phone calls. When I don't have time to talk and can't answer the phone she waits until I call her back. She never calls my mother to ask where I am.
It must be important.
I immediately jog up the stairs heading to my room.
"Alanna?", I hear dad call out. I turn around. "Yeah?"
"Since when have you been back?", he asks. "Uhm, I arrived 5 minutes ago.."
He nods.
"Have you eaten today?"
Have I? "Uhm..."
I think about it very clearly. I ate breakfast and I had a bite of the cafeteria food. That's it. "We ordered some pizza, go and take at least a slice."
"But I have to talk to Lila...."
"Then talk to her while eating."
I quickly nod running down the stairs and grabbing two slices of pizza.
As soon as I close my bedroom door I take my phone out and call Lila.
"Alanna?", I hear Lila whisper. I take a bite of my pizza. "Yeah, is something wrong? You called mom.."
"Uhm..", she begins, sobbing into the phone. "Lila..."
"Alanna I need your help...", she speaks lowly.
I sit down on my bed and take another bite of my pizza. "Alanna, I fucked up.", "Tell me Lila."
"Please, don't tell anyone... and don't be mad."
I shrug my brows. Why should I ever be mad at her..? "Tell me Lila."
"Wait, I have to explain myself first."
"Alright, go on."
"Do you know a boy called Mike? He's two years older than us. The best friend of the boy you're tutoring."
I take another bite of my pizza. "No, send me a pic."
"K, done"
I Open our chat and indeed I do know him. That's the boy I saw yesterday in the cafeteria. I look more closely at the picture. "Since when are you so close with him. That hug doesn't look so friendly."
They're re almost kissing each other. "Uhm, yeah this is because...we kind of are a couple..."
"I would've told you, but we wanted to keep it private... "
"For how long have you been together?", I ask still shocked about the news. She could've told me... "4 months."
So long?!
"Well that's a long time.."
"Please just understand me Alanna. You as my best friend know the best that I've been feeling so lonely ever since dad died. Mike gave me the attention I never got at home, the love... I just felt so happy with him...", she starts crying again. "I wanted to tell you everything as soon as school started. But something happened that made it harder for me to do so.."
She takes a long break.
I take another bite. I'm starting to feel a little full considering the fact that I'm still on my first piece. "What happened, Lila?"
"I think I'm pregnant Alanna..."

She thinks she's what!?

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