Girls problems

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Word count: 1340

Warnings: none

"Mama wake's my birthday!", Alanna whispered shaking Natasha. The first thing the redhead saw when she woke up was Alanna's happy face. "Yes, darling you're finally eight!", Natasha told her daughter half asleep but still aware of what was happening. "What do you want to do?", she then asked. "I want a sleepover with Lila and Cooper, you know with movie night and everything!", Alanna said jumping up full of excitement. "Can you call them mom? Can you please call uncle Clint and ask him if they can come over?"
"Of course honey, I'll call them right now."


"Lila!!", Alanna shouted while running towards her little cousin. She hadn't seen her in weeks so she was more than happy to see her again. "Mommy we're going to my room.", Alanna said taking Lila by her hand. Cooper wasn't there, he thought it wasn't cool to only hang around with girls. He had sent Alanna a voice mail though so she wasn't sad. Before arriving to her room the little brunette ran back. "Hi uncle Clint!", she looked up to the tall man. Her rubbed her hair. "How old are you now?", Clint asked. "Don't be silly uncle Clint, I'm eight now!", "oh, so a grandma?", the two little girls started laughing. "Nooo!", Alanna laughed. "Oh yeah, a big old grandmaaaa!"
Alanna loved her uncle. He was always there for her. She always laughed with him, he was really funny. And whenever she wouldn't want to talk to her mother he would try to convince her to change her mind. To Natasha he was the best friend. The only best friend she ever had, so that meant Clint and his family were always welcome in their home.
"Now seriously, happy birthday little one. Here's your present.", he handed her a big box packed in pink wrapping paper. "Thank you.", Alanna replied with a huge smile on her face. "You're welcome."

The day went by really fast and well. It almost seemed like it would stay like it forever. Yeah only almost. Because often happiness doesn't last long. Nothing can be perfect for too long. And that was Natasha's biggest fear, that her  happiness would've been taken away.


*3 years later* 2015*

"Hi dad.", Alanna said hugging Steve. "How was dancing?", he asked.
Three years had passed since his and Natasha's little kiss. He immediately knew he wanted Natasha. She was just the the perfect woman and Alanna was the perfect daughter. Steve's biggest dream was to have a loving family and even though Alanna wasn't his blood, she was a part of Natasha. There was no way he couldn't like her.
"It was ok. I'm doing a solo at the next competition. It's ballet so I might have to ask mom for help."
They both got into the car. "But isn't it great? You're doing a solo!", Alanna laughed at her fathers words. He didn't know anything about dancing. "Aren't you great at ballet?", Steve then asked. "Ballet is good, it's just a lot of technique. I'd rather do a contemporary piece or a lyrical one.", Alanna explained. Steve nodded. "Can we please go visit Wanda, dad?", Alanna then asked. Wanda had become like an older sister to her. Every time her parents were gone she wanted to take care of Alanna and Alanna loved spending time with her. Of course here and there Wanda cried a lot cause of her past story with her parents and her brother, but even then Alanna was there to comfort her.
"She's already at home with mom.", Steve answered her. Alanna madly looked at him. "Another mission, again?", "Not even two weeks have passed since your last one and you're already going to another?", the 11 year old continued. "It's our work Alanna...", Steve explained like he always did. Alanna didn't answer and she also didn't say anything until they arrived.
"Wanda!", Alanna ran towards her running right past her mother without even looking at her for once. Natasha stood there with open arms watching as her daughter went to hug Wanda. She smiled again as Alanna turned around to face her, since she thought it was to greet her the way she always did. Instead Alanna just asked her how long they would be gone for this time. Natasha's smile faded away. "Probably three days", she answered. "Alright.", Alanna said. "Good luck then.", she continued as she started walking towards her mother. She had realized that she was being too harsh on them and even though she was still mad she decided just to hug them. No one ever knew what could happen on a mission so it's better to make sure you say goodbye in a proper way.


As both girls heard the door close they waited at least 10 minutes until Alanna asked:
"So how much money did they give you for the three days", "almost two hundred.", Wanda answered with a grin. Alanna grinned back. "They went grocery shopping, right?", she asked. Wanda nodded. "So we can buy whatever we want with that money."
Both of them went and put their jackets on. "We need sweets.", Wanda stated. Alanna agreed with her.  And with that both of them exited the house and started walking to the grocery store.


Alanna's acting made the two grown ups think. It wasn't good because it was distracting them from their work. They even  had problems with falling asleep this night.
"Don't you think we work to much Steve?", Natasha asked Steve while hugging him. "I feel like I'm loosing her just because of work.", "I know we work way too much but we're not loosing her Nat. She knows we have to work."
The truth is, Alanna knew they had to work, she just didn't understand why. She loved spending time with Wanda but sometimes she would've liked spending more time with them. She just didn't say anything because she felt like she had to understand them. She felt like what she said didn't matter so she never talked to anybody about how she felt. She just let it be.


"Wanda, my stomach is hurting."
Wanda turned around to face Alanna. She'd been telling her this for one hour straight. She at first thought that it might go away but now it might be the time to give her some painkillers. "Take these and lay down a little. Tell me if it doesn't stop hurting.", Alanna nodded and went to sit on the couch. "Come on let's at least finish this movie before going to bed.", she then said with a weak smile on her face. Her eyes were almost falling shut, but she wanted to watch the movie. "No cutie, we can watch it tomorrow directly after you wake up if you want to but now you're tired and need some sleep.", Wanda told her with her calm voice. She used her powers to make Alanna float into her bed and in no second she was asleep.


"Oh my god WANDA!! I'm bleeding from my coochie!", Alanna whispered waking Wanda up by shaking her. It was currently 1:35 a.m. and Wanda didn't like being woken up so early. "What?", Wanda asked still half asleep. "I'm bleeding from my coochie.", Alanna said again. She terrifyingly looked at her bloody pants. " got your period..."
Alanna looked up to Wanda. "Period?", "Oh please don't tell me Nat hasn't told you about periods.", "Uhm, no.", Alanna answered. "Alright, let's get you cleaned up."

Wanda took Alanna by her hand and and took her to the toilet. She started searching for something but she didn't seem to find it. "You take a bath and I'll quickly go buy some pads ok?"
"And please Wanda, don't tell my mom, I want to tell her myself."

Hi guys! I'm sorry I didn't post for a long time.
Please tell me how you liked this story and what your favorite part was. Please comment and vote.
Till next part!

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