what happened!?

282 8 1

Warnings: none

Word count: 966

An: have fun reading:)

"I want to know if you understood the story we just read Alanna, summarize it for me.", Natasha tells Alanna, who is sitting in front of her on the dinner table. They were practicing reading, that's something they always did in different languages since it was important to Natasha that Alanna knew at least 3 of them, which in this case were English, Russian and Spanish. Today they were reading in English.

"What does summarize mean?", Alanna curiously asked short after letting out a sigh.

At this point Alanna had enough. It had been way too much for a day. Specially for a seven year old.
First six hours of school, six boring hours. Then two hours of sitting around in a dance studio and then learning again!
She wasn't even in the mood for playing , and she loved playing, she could do it 24/7, or so she thought.

"It means you have to explain what happened in the story to me in your own words.", Natasha explained.

"Will we be done if I summarize this?", Alanna asked.

"Yes.", Natasha answered.

"Ok then, uhm... this story is about a dolphin who is searching for a friend?", Alanna said not even sure about what she was saying.

"Take it serious Alanna. What is the story about?"

"I'm tired mom..."

"Did you understand what you were reading?", Natasha asked.

"I thought I was just supposed to read...so I just read."

"the main reason why we read is that you can understand texts. It's not the first time we do this Alanna."

Alanna just looked at her mother. She felt like she had failed her, like she disappointed her mother. Everytime she tried doing the best she could just to see her mom proud of her.

"I'm sorry mom, I'm just tired...", she told Natasha in the edge of crying. Natasha soon realized it and decided to stop being so harsh on her.

"I get it baby...", she said. "Let's stop for today alright?"

"Hmm...", Alanna answered nodding.

Natasha cupped her little face and kissed her forehead. She wiped the salty tears from her cheeks.

„Thank you mama..."

„No need to thank baby..."

Suddenly both of the heard the doorbell ring. As Natasha opened the door she saw Steve standing in front of her with a bunch of flowers.

"Hey Nat...", Steve said afterwards giving her a quick hug. He was wearing one of his usual fits. His brown leather jacket, a white shirt and blue jeans.
Natasha answered him with a kind of confused hi. She didn't expect him to be this nice.

I mean, flowers? Who expects that when you invite someone over for a coffee?

"Old maaann!", Alanna shouted as soon as she heard Steve's voice. Steve held his hand on his chest and looked hurt at the exited running girl.

"Oh, that hurt me...do I look this old?", he said. He couldn't help but to laugh.

"Oh no you don't look old, but you are...", Alanna answered him with  her sassy smart ass voice. The adults bursted out in laughter.

"What are you waiting for? Come in Steve.", Natasha then told him.

And they talked, and talked, and talked. They talked for a lot of time and by a lot of time I mean some hours.

To be honest, Natasha had never had so much fun with someone else than Clint.

This night she laughed like she never did before.
Alanna was happy too!
Actually, Steve didn't plan on staying for too long, but then he saw how much fun he was having, so he just didn't want to leave.

Alanna played dolls with the two grown ups, talked with them, ran around the whole apartment with them and that until she too tired and eventually fell asleep on Natasha's lap.

"We can keep talking, just let me put her to bed..", Natasha said standing up before going to Alanna's room. She put Alanna into her her bed and gave her a good night kiss. That's something she always did.
Kind of as the last goodbye till the next day, no one ever knew what could happen next, specially at night.


Natasha's pov

„Mom...wake up", I heard my little girl tell me. She sounded stressed, like something was happening...and she sounded way too loud.
My head was pounding. I hadn't felt hangover in years. I really forgot how it felt like.
"What's wrong Alanna, why are you screaming?", I asked.
She stopped shaking me and put her little warm hands on my forehead.
"Are you sick mommy..?", she asked me with a confused look on her face.
Gosh, I really love her.
I sat up. "I have school mommy, today is Friday.", she said. At that moment I shot up from my bed. School!?
I looked at Alanna one more time and realized that she already had her clothes on. Her hair just had to be done. But before I could do anything I had to take a headache pill. "Go to the kitchen Alanna I'll come right after, ok?"
"Ok Mom!", I saw how she ran out of my room. Afterwards I could only hear the light steps of her running on our woody floor.
How could I have drank so much?
Oh my god, STEVE!!!
"Mommy, why's Steve sleeping on our couch?", I heard Al shout.
I quickly ran towards the living room. God, what did I do yesterday?

What happened?


Hiii, how are y'all doing?

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Love y'all, till the next chapter!🫀🫂

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