Oh, I miss her so much....

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Steve's pov

I enter Alanna's room and there she is once again laying on the bed. Crying, just crying. That's what she's been doing for the whole past month ever since Alanna was kidnapped. Everyone is missing her. Alanna was liked really much, she was like joy herself for the avengers. When we had a fight she was the one to make us laugh again and every time Natasha got furious, which scared all of us, she was the one calming her down. I never imagined having a daughter but then Natasha came, and this sweet little girl full of joy was with her.

And suddenly two new girls came into my life, the ones that would soon turn into the two most important girls in my life. I miss Alanna. I miss her little laugh and the weird jokes she would make.
„You need to get up Natasha...", I say not trying to sound commanding. I walk over to her. Her eyes are puffy and red as she looks up to me. „I miss her Steve..."
I sit down next to her. „I know...", I tell her rubbing her back. „I know..."


Alanna cries out in pain as she gets thrown into the punishment room another time. One month and she's already been in there four times. Being in there gives her flashbacks from when she was little. Not even she knows how many times soldiers have beaten her by now. She doesn't know why they're treating her this way. She keeps trying to do everything right, yet the only thing she gets is punishments.

She tries to lay down in a way it doesn't hurt as much. But on a cold hard floor it is difficult to find a comfortable way to lay, specially if you have wounds all over your body.
Suddenly she starts hearing strong loud steps in front of the door. It's weird because she usually stays in this room for some days and not for a couple of minutes.

Alanna's pov

Someone's coming this can't mean anything good. I'm used to laying in here for longer than ten hours and not even one has passed yet. They're either going to beat me up or do worse....
That's what it means when they come over between my ‚thinking' time. Tears threaten to fall down my cheeks and adrenaline rushes through my veins. I start to sweat and to shiver at the same time. Then the door opens. Two men are standing there. I try to act like I'm asleep but it doesn't work. They just pick me up and carry me out.


A picture. A picture that's supposed to get my hopes up, is destroying me even more. She's alive that's a good sign. Is what everyone keeps telling me. But every time I look at her again, another bruise shows up.

She looks unrecognizable...

Her face not showing any emotions. She looks so thin.... And all the bruises over her body....

That isn't a good sign. She's alive but she's suffering and that's worse. They're punishing her for what I did and that's killing me. And the fact that I can't do anything against it because I'm on the run is killing me even more. Three months of running, I'm getting tired but I can't get caught. I can't get her back if I'm in jail.



„Where are you taking me!?", I shout trying to free myself from the two men who are holding me. No answer, as always. „Let me go!", I cry out.
I don't want this anymore. I'm sick of of feeling all this pain and pressure. I just want to feel joy again. I want to feel free to feel however I want. I don't wanna be scared of what might happen if I cry at the wrong time.
I miss my momma. I want her to be here, to hold me whenever I feel down, to dry my tears whenever I'm crying... I just want her to be here so that I can apologize to her for what I said before all this.

I also miss Steve. I want us to be the same happy family we were. Mom, dad and daughter. That's the only thing I want. The only thing....

Pain goes through my back as I get thrown on a metal table. My feet and wrist get tied to it. Suddenly a man comes in, he has different needles with him. All of them full of a red liquid. This time I don't even try to move. It wouldn't change anything anyway. I just let him inject them into different parts of my body as if nothing was wrong.

Well, at first nothing was wrong, but then suddenly I started feeling all this power. It kept getting stronger and stronger. So strong that it started hurting everywhere. I tried not to scream. I really did. But it was like there were different people stabbing me everywhere. I thought that maybe if I screamed he'd noticed that something was wrong, but instead he just kept injecting them.

Not a lot of time later I stopped feeling.

I just saw black.

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