You're never around, you don't need to know everything.

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Warnings: none
Word count: 937

*Natashas pov*

„I don't get it Alanna, why wouldn't you tell me? It's such a huge chapter in your life....and I thought we would tell each other everything...", I look at her. Her big hazel eyes are already filling with tears. I didn't mean to make her cry... I just don't understand why she wouldn't want to tell me, I could've helped her. „You're never around, you don't need to know everything.", she answers me dryly.

You're never around, you don't need to know everything.

I never knew that nine words could break my heart so easily. I try to hug her but she just pushes me away. „Can you please just drive me to my dancing lessons?", she asked standing up. „We're gonna be late.", she continues and walks out of her room. I just stay there for a couple of minutes longer. What just happened? My own daughter just shut me down and it's my fault. Just because of work....
I stand up and exit the room as well. The whole ride to the dance studio is silent. Normally when we're in a fight we don't say anything for like five minutes and then we start talking again. She is way more serious now. As we arrive she immediately exits the car. I copy her move. "Have fun!", I shout. "I will!", she shouts. "I love you!"
But no answer comes back.

You're never around, you don't need to know everything.

You're never around, you don't need to know everything.


Am I such a bad mom? Why do I always have to mess up? I didn't want it to go this way...

"We're gonna talk to her when she comes home and tell her that we'll stop working so much. I talked to fury.", as I hear Steve say this I sigh relieved. I hope I can make it better with this. I can't wait for the time to get Alanna, I'm pretty sure she'll be sooo excited!
"Come on her lessons end in 15 minutes.", Steve then tells me. I get up and start walking towards the door. "I'll drive!", I shout taking the car keys.


"Hi ms. I'm here to pick up my daughter.",I look at her with a smile on my face. Usually we go grab something to eat after dancing. That's what we're gonna do today too. Just go grab some food and then tell her the news.

The dance teacher confusingly looks at me. "Miss Romanoff, you came to get her half an hour ago.", she tells me. My heart skips a beat. What!? "I didn't come here.", I tell the teacher breathing out in fear. "I can show you the security cameras.", she then tells me. I nod. And indeed someone who looked like me took her. Someone took my little one. I want her back right now. I look at the woman one last time and fake a smile. "Alright thank you.", I tell her and walk out. "Where's Alanna?", Steve immediately asks me as soon as he sees me walk out. My eyes are teary. I try to hold back my tears but it doesn't work. My salty tears roll down my cheeks, and as soon as I reach him I strongly hug him. "Someone kidnapped her Steve, someone else has my little one.", Steve strongly grabs me by my shoulders and looks at me in a horrified way. "What do you mean someone kidnapped her?"
"She was taken Steve, what do you think I mean!?"
"We have to get to the avengers compound.", he tells me holding my hands. "We'll find her, believe me.", he continues.


My eyes are filled with tears. I'm shaking like crazy. It seems like except of shaking I can't move in any way. I'm just sitting on a chair, not knowing what might come next. There is this strange man standing in front of me. He told me his name is Dreykov. He's what scared me the most in here. Everything he's been talking about my mom for the past hour. "Finally we have you back. We just needed someone like you, your sister didn't help us much. Now you, you're just like your mother. You're going to be our next assassin.", he tells me grabbing me by my chin.


She's here. "Where is my sister?", I ask as I try to free my face from his strong hands. "None of your business.", he answered and let's go of me. He looks back and two women dressed in black leather suits, just like my mom, come in. I look at them and weakly smile. They remind me of her. I wish she could be here right now. I wasn't behaving good before all this happened and I'd like to at least apologize to her.

Suddenly the women take out a shot. It's one of the big ones and I'm scared of them! They start coming nearer and nearer. I must get out of here. These people are insane! So I try to wiggle myself out of Dreykov's hands. He'd noticed that I wanted to get out so he started holding me stronger. It was starting to hurt my arms.

The last thing I remember hearing is Dreykov telling them to take me to some place called hydra... then everything went black.

Heyyy I hope you liked this one. Please comment and tell me your thoughts about it. Please share and vote. What do you think will happen? How will the story go on ?


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