XXXX | Roses Also Have Thorns

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"My brothers are gonna kill you." I told him with a smile spread across my face. 

He looked to the sky with raised brows and a mischievous smirk and then he looked back down at me. "Well when are they not?" he asked, nodding his head. 

I bit my bottom lip as a nervous tendency and he grabbed my chin, pulling it out. "Don't do that." he told me, planting a quick kiss on my lips instead. 

I couldn't help but looking down at my nude coloured sandals. "What if my family actually disowns me...?" I thought about the different possibilities.

"Not gonna happen." he simply said as if it was the most easy thing in the world. Like he knew it for a fact. "Besides, you have to get married to someone and someone soon." 

He was right, it's not like I had the choice to wait. Even thoug, I wouldn't want to. Even if I had the option of waiting, I wouldn't wait a second more. I love him and I wanted this. 

The taxi cab came to halt and both of us looked outside of the window to see our chosen destination. It was a little city within Italy that Perris had visited during his childhood. He had fondly spoke about the memories he made here that were untainted by his past traumas and wanted to remember it forever. 

Nervously, I smoothed out my long sleeve white dress and sighed. I looked like I was going to an Easter dinner rather than getting eloped, but it didn't quite matter to me. 

Hand in hand, we got out of the cab and paid the driver swiftly. After all, it was 6:38am and I'm sure he had more important things to do. 

We were in a bit of a rush with all things considered so we really prayed that the officiate was going to be there on time. 

We ran to the spot and tried to calm down our breathing, but neither of us were breathing hard because of the run. We were breathing hard because we were nervous, which wasn't a consistent or familiar emotion for either of us. 

The officiate arrived at exactly 6:40, which made us both very excited because we still had time. 

We skipped the pleasantries and explained that we didn't have a lot of time to get into the details. But both of us came to a stop when he asked if we had any vows prepared. 

Surprising me completely, Perris said, "Yeah, I prepared a little something." I smiled at him and we latched our hands together. 

"Serena... There have been so many things in my life that have come and gone. Family, homes, jobs, friendships and a whole list of other things. Outside of Lilah, I have never been able to consistently have something, love someone. I have never been able to call anything mine. But since the moment I met you, I saw you and that was the first day I fell in love. It was the first day I realized that I wanted it. I wanted permanence." he started, squeezing my hands and looking straight into my eyes. "I knew I wanted you." 

Tears started to form in my eyes and it took everything in me to not embarrass myself by sobbing. 

"I battled those feelings and went back and forth in my head about it, all to come to the same conclusion. I am in love with you." 

I laughed this time for whatever reason. I guess I really just thought about our time together and how he really must have went back and forth with the idea. 

He cleared his throat and I couldn't have sworn I saw his eyes glisten, "So I vow to always and continuously fall in love you. Fall in love with you horrible humor." he laughed this time, nodding his head. "Fall in love with your cute little snores, fall in love with your temper, fall in love with the way you change in the future, fall in love with the way we grow and to fall in love with the person you will become. I vow to never stop choosing us and to always fall in love with whatever version we may be we when turn old and gray." 

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