Chapter Two

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"No, that's impossible." I said allowed to myself just barely above a whisper. The blonde hair, the same expression as the woman in the dream, her face, even her eyes. The same emerald green as my own. How was this possible?

Immediately I turned around acting as if I hadn't just seen that the woman saw I was looking back at her. Walking rather fast, I didn't even stop to speak to Amanda or John. "I have to go, I'll text you guys later!" I yelled as I hurriedly walked out of the arcade. As I was walking to my car, I had all these questions swirling around in my mind. How could I have a dream about a woman I never met?

Why was the woman staring at me so intently? Why in the world did she look almost identical to me? Was it a hallucination? I mean, I was pretty much losing my mind since midnight. Weirdest birthday EVER. Walking by the cars trying to find my new baby, I beeped for it and all at once every single car within the parking lot, it seemed, that had an alarm started to go off.

"Katerina!" Why was I still hearing the voice?

"What do you want!?" I yelled as I started picking up the pace.

I started to run to the cars. I went with my gut and ran right up to my car. Fumbling the keys in my hand, I went to unlock the door.

"I have missed you so very much!" Dropping the keys, I let out a scream and jumped backwards turning around and just as it started, every car in the parking lot stopped going off all at once. It was the woman standing in front of me, she wasn't a hallucination, she is real.

Stammering I asked, "W-What do you want? How do you know me?"

"You have grown into such a beautiful young woman, you look more like me now than you did then."

"Who are you!?" Looking at this woman was like looking into a mirror, she really was almost identical to me. How did she know me? In my heart I felt as if I had missed her. How can you miss someone you don't know or have never met? More importantly, why was this woman following me?

"Why did you follow me and what do you want from me?" With tears in her eyes she pulled her hand to her mouth covering it as she let out a soft cry.

"You really don't know me?"

"No! Should I?"

"You feel it, I know you do. We are connected and even more so now that you are sixteen."

"Feel what? I think you have me confused with someone else."

"You are my daughter; you must know this."

"My mom is at home waiting on me to get back I think you have me confused with someone else." I quickly opened my door and jumped in before the woman could keep talking to me or try to murder me. She was seriously out of it; My mom was at home. "Her daughter? I think not!"

Looking in the rear-view mirror as I drove off, I saw the woman was still standing there watching me drive away. Lost in my thoughts, I jumped as my phone rang. I reached for the phone and it was Amanda.

"Sorry I ran out like that I'm not feeling well." I said as I answered the call.

"I was wondering what happened, you were acting strange, just wanted to check on you."

"Yeah I'm fine, just be careful walking to the parking lot there was- "As I looked into the rear view mirror the woman was gone.

"I'm sorry what?" I realized Amanda was steadily talking as I was wondering where the woman went.

"You were saying to be careful walking to the parking lot."

"Oh, yeah. Um nothing...Just be careful because of it being night and everything." Where did the woman go so fast? It was as if she disappeared.

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