Chapter Seventeen

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I blinked myself to the grove for some reason. I could not focus on a destination but apparently my subconscious brought me here. I was frantically crying; it broke my heart the thought of him even touching another woman enticed a rage inside of me. The wind that so suddenly comes and goes started gather around me and I was in the air.

My eyes were blurry because of the tears that filled them but for a moment I could have sword the wind had a green tinted color to it. It looked more like fire. All at once as the emotions built up to the surface I let out the loudest scream I could muster and fell to the ground. After a couple minutes passed I felt exhausted.

"There you are. I went to your house to escort you, but you weren't there...Are you okay?" It was Raphael. How did he find me?

"No, I am not okay, but I will be. Just leave me alone." I dropped my head in defeat.

Walking to me, without hesitation, he asked, "Did you do this?" He was looking around in astonishment. I looked around to see what he was talking about and all the trees within my vicinity were burned down as if a fire had destroyed them.

"No, I... I don't know." Could I have done this? My magic seemed to be strongly connected to my emotions. Most witches had to say a spell, all I had to do was think of something or get upset. I scared myself sometimes.

"The green light that shot up to the sky, it was like a laser. I followed it and that is how I found you." He said as he bent down to get eye level with me.

Wiping my face, I asked, "What do you want?"

"Why are you upset?" He reached towards me and wiped a tear from my face. His touch should have disgusted me. He did not care about me, all he wanted was my power. Even still, his touch felt comforting and I felt something radiating from his skin to mine. He reached for my hand and I looked up to him. Grabbing his hand, he helped pull me up from the ground.

"Tell me what happened." He reached up and pushed my hair from my face. Why did he keep touching me and why did I keep letting him? In my sadness I realized I was allowing it because at that moment I needed to be comforted so I allowed him to do so. He may have been a sleaze ball but at that moment I did not care.

"Alex... he fed from Lorraine." I could not help but to cry as the words left a bitter taste in my mouth. How could he do this to me? If there was one thing I hated, it was to cry in front of people. I can't believe that I believed him for an instant when he said I want to wait until our wedding night. What a fucking joke. I thought to myself.

"You saw them?" He sounded surprised.

"Well, no but it was obvious. She was in his castle and came running after him with a bandage on her neck."

He hung his head down as if he was sad for me. "I am so sorry, Katerina. If I can do anything to help, let me know. I am always here for you." He sounded so genuine in that moment I thought maybe there was an explanation for the conversation I heard. How could my gut be so trusting of him and he be such a sleaze? Maybe there was something I was missing.

"Thank you, I appreciate that." I said as I wiped my face.

"How about we get going and try to not fall asleep during this meeting." He said as he laughed.

"Okay." I said, as I fixed my makeup and straightened my dress.

We blinked to the council hall. "Okay, after you, princess." He said as he motioned for me to lead the way. How could Alex do this to me? So much for true love and soulmates and reincarnated lives.

I thought of what Raphael said, 'He isn't Alessandro, he is Alex, and they are completely different people.' Maybe he was right. I looked over at him and saw him looking back at me. There was something about his eyes, I just fell into them. For a moment I forgot that he could not be trusted.

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