Chapter Seven

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After getting out of the shower, I laid in bed and touched my lips. I could feel his lips on mine. It was as if they left a lasting impression. Why did he have to be so charming? Why couldn't he be a jerk like her so-called 'intended'? That would make this much easier, I thought to myself. As I was drifting off to sleep the image of his face stayed permanently burned into my memory.

"Katerinaaaaaaa." Shooting up from my sleep I wondered if I was dreaming. Did I really just hear the voice again? Was it him? "Katerinaaaaaaa!" As if hearing it in my sleep was not good enough, I heard it again. I knew, hearing it this time, it was not Alex, it was Alessandro. As confusing as that may seem, they are two different people and from two different times. Getting out of bed, I started plundering through the house. To the left of my room, there was another door.

I realized after the fourth time pulling it that it was locked. I remembered the necklace held a key and wondered if it would unlock the door. There was not another lock to be unlocked, so this was my best guess. Squeezing the locket, it popped open again and the key fell to the floor. I picked it up and put it in the lock and it snapped. Earlier in spells and curses class I learned two convenient spells that would come in handy at this moment. Holding my hand over the key, I said aloud, "Repairus". The key melded back together.

Looking at the door I had to try to concentrate all of my energy into the next spell. "Quid Est Aperire Clausa." The door slung open, almost hitting me in the process. The back of the door contained a painting of a woman. A beautiful woman, that resembled me so much, and yet looked a bit differently. She was much stronger than I was. She had this aura about her that just oozed confidence and demanded respect.

It was then that I realized it was me from my past life when I looked at the amulet she wore around her neck. I could not help but to wonder where the necklace came from and why it was given to me. I have had it for as long as I can remember.

Looking around the small hidden room, I saw a bunch of dark magic trinkets. "I was into dark magic as Vee previously stated." I said aloud to myself. Taking a step into the room my body was frozen and my arms outstretched as I was lifted into the air. Almost like a dream, I could see myself as if I were watching television, I saw my dream self, she was in a room in, what looked like, a castle. I then realized it was the Gratu castle.

She was waiting for someone, or something. I saw Alex running up to her and just as I saw him, I realized it was Alessandro. He ran up and embraced her so lovingly. For someone as physically powerful as he was, he was so gentle with her. It reminded me of my encounter with Alex earlier that night.

"What have you learned since our last meet?" I heard my previous self say.

"Nothing more, he is still determined to go through with it, I hate this! He loves her but refuses to drop the engagement. He claims to love you, but I don't believe it." Alessandro responded as he began pacing back and forth.

"Why can't we just leave? I am more powerful than them, they couldn't stop me, they couldn't stop us." She said to him as she grabbed his arm to stop him from moving.

"My love, you know as well as I," Alessandro spoke as he pulled his hand up to her face caressing it so lovingly. "With me being the heir to the throne of Vortigen, and you to ascend the throne of your coven on your birth night, after the moon leaves the highest point, we can't." He responded matter-of-factly, but I could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke.

"We have responsibilities to our people, but these same people forbid our love." I could see the pain and anger in her eyes. "We will never be allowed to be together so long as we stay here." She hung her head in defeat as if to give up. I wanted to shout, do not give up, but I did not.

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