Chapter Sixteen

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Waking up the next day I felt exhausted. I felt like I had run a marathon and had no sleep at all. Music was blaring in the kitchen and I realized Amanda was cooking. Throwing myself back down on my bed my mind raced with the images of my dream that night. What did it mean? I wondered what my past self was trying to tell me.

"Kat! I made breakfast! Wake up lazy bones!"

"Coming! Just resting my eyes. I feel exhausted."

Amanda walked into the room, "Speaking of, where did you run off to last night?"

Picking my head up from my pillow I asked, "What are you talking about? I was here asleep."

"No, I woke up in the middle of the night and you were gone. I figured you were off to see Mr. Yummy."

"Wait-What!?" I asked as I shot up from my bed.

I looked over to the black magic door and spelled it open. The book from my dream was sitting on the pedestal. It was not a dream. I slept walked to the library and got the book. It made me question whether I had really been sleeping walking or did my past self-make me do it. I shuttered at the idea that she could control my present-day body without my knowledge or permission. How was that even possible. She is dead, or I am dead, or the me I was.

"You have a secret magic room? That is so cool!" Amanda said as she ran to the room.

"I rarely go in there. That is a room from my past life. Everything in there is about black magic. but this book," I said as I pointed to the stolen library book, "Is what I dreamed about last night."

"Well maybe you remembered seeing it and dreamed about it. It looks really old."

"The only problem with that is as you mentioned I wasn't here, and in my supposed dream I was at the library in a secret room with old ancient looking dust covered books and my necklace led me to this one on the floor."

"So, it wasn't there before last night then?"

"No. I think my past self-led me there to get this book, but I have no idea why.

"The big 'G' leads me to believe that it belongs to you anyhow."

Spelling the door shut I got lost in my thoughts for a moment. It scared me to feel like I am losing control of everything. Even as I slept, I had lost control of my body. Everything was all happening so fast and I did not know what to do about any of it. For a time, I hoped that I would wake up and it all be a bad dream. As the day's past though, I realized it was very much real.

"Someone's knocking at the door." Amanda stated as she walked to the kitchen.

As I reached the door, I heard Vee outside. "Yes ma'am?" I asked as I opened the door.

"It is time for Amanda to go back home. I will spell her to remember she had fun with you during this school break, so don't worry. She will have memories of the mountains with you and your family and nothing more. She will be able to tell everyone else that you decided to stay and attend school until senior year."

"Vee, can't it wait like a couple more hours?" I wasn't prepared to let Amanda go yet. I needed her here.

"I guess that would be alright."

"Great! thanks!" I said as I hurriedly closed the door and ran to the kitchen. I could not let Amanda leave and not remember anything. Of all of these people Amanda was the only one I really trusted. I needed her to remember everything.

"Okay so that was the calvary, coming to take you home and wipe your memory. Do you want to forget?"

"What do you mean? Do I have a choice?"

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