Chapter Ten

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That evening waking up to go to school I realized I had overslept a bit. Class started at seven, and it was currently six thirty. When I got to school, everyone was watching me whispering to each other. What could they possibly be talking about now?

I had almost forgotten that I was apparently a homewrecker. I looked up to see Alex smiling down at me from atop the steps as I approached. I felt my blood rush to my head, and my heart started to race. I absolutely hate that he has that effect on me, and he obviously enjoys every minute of it. Rolling my eyes, I walked right past him and into school.

Lost in thought I ran into Lowlife Lorraine. "Watch where you're going, homewrecker." Lorraine said as she smirked at me.

"Lorraine, give it a rest, will you? I am not an 'Evil Queen', and I most certainly am not a homewrecker. Have you ever thought that maybe he dumped you because you're a bitch?"

Everyone gathered around, yet again, to watch another 'battle' between me and Lorraine. It really was getting tiresome going through this with her every day. This was really starting to feel like I was in a drama. I started to think she just liked all the attention. 'Poor Lorraine'; I thought to myself.

"You will regret that statement, homewrecker!" Lorraine said as she turned to walk away. Just as I thought it was over, I heard someone calling my name.

"Katerina! Wait up princess." It was Alex, as if it could not get any worse. I had just had a full conversation about how I am not a homewrecker. Then, the man of the home I swore I did not wreck, comes calling on me. Lorraine turned around at the sound of his voice and puckered her lips.

"I hope you two will be very happy together." She said sarcastically as she ran down the hall.

"We aren't together!" It was too late, she was gone. I do not even understand why I care what Lorraine thought of me. All the name calling, I should be with Alex just to spite her. It was too bad that I do not have the heart to be that type of person.

"Alex, what do you want?" I asked as I tried to keep my composure.

"I told you, I want you." He said smiling at me.

I should have been turned off by his cockiness, instead, I could not help but admire his persistence. Not to mention that smile of his.

"Welcome to class your majesties. Take your seats."

Yet again I was late to class because of Low-life Lorraine and Alex. The entire class I could feel Alex watching me. What is more, I could feel Lorraine's eyes burning holes in the back of my head because of it. I heard whispering behind me and knew Lorraine was talking about me.

The bell rang, and I jumped out of my seat trying to avoid Alex and Lorraine. I really did not want to deal with either of them. "Princess, you can't avoid me forever." Alex called out to me as I ran.

"I can try." I responded as I ran right into him. "You really have got to stop doing that super speed thing." I said as I rubbed my head and tried to walk past him.

"If you would stop trying to run away from me, then I would." He said teasingly.

"Look, Lorraine has made it her soul mission to ruin my life here at school, and I don't like what happens when I'm pushed too far. Crazy things have been happening lately."

"What does that have to do with you and I?" Alex asked as he raised a curious brow.

Turning to face him, stopping him in his tracks, I realized I had to be honest.

"I want you more than I have ever wanted anything. I do not understand it, but I know that is how I feel. I know that I could be with you and it would make my life so much easier. I have a lot to consider and a lot to think about. Can you just give me some space today?"

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