Chapter Twenty

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"Fancy meeting you here." I said as she turned to see me. I couldn't help but to smile as I heard her heart skip.

"Well, I, um, what are you doing here?" She asked nervously.

"Sometimes I like to take a stroll by here and take in the scene. It is very peaceful here." I said as I gazed off toward the field.

"Is something bothering you?" She asked with concern evident in her tone.

"You always were able to tell when something was wrong with me. No matter how much I tried to hide it. One of the many things I loved about you. Between us there were no secrets. I would like to keep it that way." I said as I looked into her eyes. It was now or never.

"I would too." She responded with a confused tone of voice.

"There is something I have to tell you and I have witnesses to prove my side if you are unable to take me at my word." I said as I gathered my will to tell her and hope she believed me.

"Okay, go ahead." She said as she tilted her head in anticipation.

"It's about Lorraine." I said as I let out a deep breath. After I told her what happened I waited to see her reaction. She seemed lost in her own thoughts. She didn't believe me. After waiting for what seemed like forever, I decided to assure her that I would wait if she needed time to believe me. She was reborn. She wasn't the old Katerina; how could I expect her to just take me at my word? She barely knows me. All she knows is what she feels for me.

"If you need time or-" She interrupted me with a hug. It was as if she were thanking me.

"I believe you. Thank you for telling me. If you had kept it from me, I probably wouldn't feel like this, but you didn't." She said as I wrapped my arms around her. She believed me. The relief I felt couldn't really be explained.

"I am going to head back home but I will see you tomorrow?" She said as she stepped back a little. Her face was flushed and I still find that indescribably cute.

"Alright. I will see you tomorrow." I said as I kissed her forehead and left. I got back home and the servants were scarce. Where would they be?

I walked up to my room and the door was cracked. Who would have the nerve to go in my room? Just as the question came to mind I heard her.

"Alex, can we talk?" It was Lorraine.

What do I need to do to get her to give up. I don't want her. I never have. I guess when my mind was spelled I can see how I was with her and why that would give her the impression that she could have me. Even then I was distant. I kept feeling empty, lost, like something was gone or missing.

The fact that she could never tell how distant I was at that time was all the proof I needed to assure myself that she didn't truly love me. Not like Katerina loved me. Even in her new life she would know something was wrong with me with just a glance. It was this that made it easier to break free from her. I knew that more than anything it hurt her ego that I didn't want her.

To add to that, everything she has done, casting a memory spell on my family and I, and everything that followed. Once I found this out, how could I possibly be even remotely attracted to her. To the eye, Lorraine was beautiful. On the inside she was a snake in the grass. I could see right through her.

She didn't love me, she lusted after me, after my title, after my money, and everything that came with being with me.

It really never occurred to her that I would come out of her memory spell. If anything, her ego was over inflated. The spell was masterfully done, I will give her that. Even in the past she lusted after me though. I think a small part of her cared for me truly, after all the time I was under the memory spell and the time we spent together. Even in the intimate moments. She cared for me a little, but it made no difference to me. She did all of this for not. The only woman I have ever cared for is Katerina.

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