Chapter Eight

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"Whoa! What's the problem?" I asked as I held my hands up in a defensive position.

"You know good and well what the problem is you homewrecker!" She spurted at me. She reminded me of a snarling rabid dog. All she was missing was to be foaming at the mouth.

"What are you talking about?" I remembered what happened with Alex and felt flushed. He had told her, and she was furious. What I do not understand though, was why she was so upset with me. I was the one who stopped it.

"What did you say to him!? Did you put a spell on him!? You need to tell me right now!" She said as she shoved me. One thing about me, is I don't take too kindly to people invading my personal space or putting their hands on me.

"First of all, I don't need to do a damn thing." I said as I shoved her back. "I did not tell him anything, and I only know a handful of spells, none of which could possibly affect Alex. Now you tell me why you are calling me a homewrecker." I rejected his advances. Alex may be handsome, and I will admit I feel this attachment to him, but I am not too keen on my emotions being decided for me.

"You won't get away with this! Boyfriend thief! He will be back I promise you that!" Lorraine retorted.

I looked around and realized a crowd had gathered as we were screaming and yelling at each other. They were all ooing and ahhing being nosey. I turned to walk away, and Lorraine grabbed my shoulder.

"Not so fast, homewrecker!" I cannot believe she touched me, AGAIN. What was her problem. It took a lot usually to affect me. I didn't understand it, but Lorraine set my blood on fire. I despised her and I did not know why.

I turned to face Lorraine and felt my blood boiling. I felt myself being lifted into the air speaking Latin, and I had no idea what I was saying. With my arms outstretched I opened my palms and closed both hands into a fist. As I did, I could not see anything, I just heard glass shattering and people screaming. As I felt the floor under my feet again, I could see the look of horror on Lorraine's face. She had fallen to the floor and looked at me as if she had seen a ghost.

There was a mirror directly in front of me behind Lorraine. I saw my eyes glowing as bright as my amulet and felt a sense of fear. Blinking my eyes, the glowing stopped. I looked around the library to find all the windows had broken. I knew I was responsible for it but had no idea how.

"How did you...a handful of spells my ass!"

"I don't know how...I did all of this?"

"Don't play all innocent, you know more than you are letting on, but I'll be damned if I let you steal him away from me. Alex is mine!" Lorraine said as she stood up. She no longer looked scared, instead, she looked pretty mad.

"Mirros de Vanos." Lorraine moved her hands as she spoke. The shattered glass lifted and was back in place as if nothing had happened. Why would she clean up my mess?

"You don't know who you are messing with, because I fight fire with fire." If that was not the corniest expression I have ever heard, then I do not know what was.

She walked away but I was still so confused as to what had just happened. What had Alex done? He obviously spared her the details, but why did he break up with Lorraine? As I questioned it, I thought about what I had told him the night before. I told him I could not because he was with Lorraine and then today, they are not together.

Was he going to try to be with me? I knew that could not happen, but the thought made me smile. Just as I did though, I stopped myself. Why am I smiling? I am not going to be with him. Stop it! I told myself.

Walking to class I felt nervous being beside Alex after our encounter last night. As I stepped into class, I noticed his seat was empty. Where was he?

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