Chapter Twelve

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"Thank you all for coming. Tonight, my son takes the throne of Vortigen, as is his birth right. We are all pleased so many came to witness the Ascension. First and foremost, as is tradition, he must choose his betrothed, and one who is to ascend the throne with him when he fully takes the throne on his twenty first birthday."

He had to choose a woman? I suddenly felt slightly faint and like I had been set up. Looking over I noticed Lorraine glaring at me in distain. Not only was Lorraine looking at me but everyone else was as well. They all knew who he was going to pick, and it was not going to be Lorraine. I looked up to Alex and he was smiling down at me. He was about to embarrass me, and I knew it. As if I didn't stand out enough in my cherry red dress. 'Great', I thought to myself.

"Thank you all for coming tonight to witness my ascension. It really means a lot that so many of you chose to be here rather than be at home enjoying your day off. As many of you know, I have all but voiced who my betrothed will be. In this day and age, though, she has a right to reject my proposal. Katerina, will you come up here and join me?"

I looked around at all the eyes that were watching me and felt glued in place. I looked up to Alex and my embarrassment left altogether. I made my way up the staircase never losing eye contact with Alex. Standing beside him, he continued with his speech and I could not help but notice the looks of distain that Vee was giving me from below.

"So, Katerina, do you accept my proposal to be my betrothed and to one day rule by my side?"

I couldn't say no in front of all of these people. Shaking my head as I answered him, "I do."

He grabbed me and pulled me close to him briefly kissing me. "Isn't she beautiful?" He grabbed my hand and twirled me around. Everyone clapped in agreement, even if they did not agree. I never had been one to enjoy a crowd's attention but, in that moment, I felt proud to be by his side.

Of all the people that were there, I only saw Alex, and the smile he had on his face as he admired me. I had never felt more beautiful than when he was looking at me. It was as if he saw me fully, all the way through, inside and out. As the ceremony continued and his crown was donned, I stood aside and watched in admiration.

"Right this way, Miss Gratu." His father, Rayven Vortigen, was beside me motioning for me to sit by Alex's side. I sat beside him, and they donned a crown on my head as well. All at once the crowd started chanting, "Alessandro Vortigen, long live the king. Katerina Vortigen, all praise the Queen."

It was like a dream, a fairytale of sorts. They were chanting our names because they were the future royals of our people. I was in a different land, I was a witch with a vampire lover, I was a princess, and not only the future queen of my coven, but of the vampires as well. What could this mean for our people? Maybe this would be a reconciliation of sorts for us all. 'Could they coexist with one another?' I wondered. The Ceremony was beautiful, and everything went well, I thought.

"Let me walk you home, my queen." He said after the ceremony was over.

"That sounds so weird, so this means I am dating the King." I said as I thought about it.

"I guess it does. Now it is set in stone, I am sorry for not telling you of my intentions. I wanted to surprise you."

"I don't want you to take this wrong, but I don't plan on getting married any time soon."

"Of course not, I don't have to be married until my full ascension to the throne. I did, however, need a future queen prospect by my side for the ceremony to be completed."

"Ah, a prospect, so you could change your mind if you wanted." I did not like that idea; he could get bored with me and then choose someone else like Lorraine.

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