Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I will tell you everything you need to know, and I will answer any questions you have to the best of my ability. First, though, shouldn't you be getting to school?" Father of the year.

"Oh no! Yes! I overslept and forgot about school entirely!"

"I will accompany you."

"What? I mean, aren't you afraid of the council? What if they try to seal you again?"

Laughing he responded, "No I am not afraid of those pompous bastards. I hold more power than they could possibly imagine."

"They sealed you once before." I pointed out to him.

"With assistance from my newborn daughter and our family amulet."

"So, I.. I am the reason you were imprisoned?"

"It's okay you were a baby. They borrowed magic from you and used it to seal me in that living statue."

"You said we can't use magic against anyone from our bloodline." He was not making any sense.

"That is true we can't. It was not my family's magic that was used. It was your mother's magic. She comes from an ancient powerful witch lineage herself. The problem though, is that she herself did not get full witch powers. Her grandfather was a mortal human man."

"So, she is half witch?" She asked and then remembered school. "I am going to be late; I have to go."

"I will tag along. Do not try to discourage my decision. After what the council attempted last night, they will pay for it. I will also not allow my daughter to go alone in this town without my assistance."

Rolling my eyes, I felt like I really did not have a choice. "I have done just fine without you for all of these-" I stopped mid-sentence, realizing that no matter what I said he would still come. The expression on his face was so stubborn. "Fine! Just stop talking all crazy like 'They will pay', It is not necessary. Also, don't get any ideas about staying in class or anything weird."

He nodded his head in agreement but from his hesitation it was clear that was his initial intention. As we got to school everyone was looking down at me from the top of the stairs. Instead of the usual spiteful and hateful gazes that I was usually given, it was fear and confusion. I realized they were looking at my father. He hugged my neck and let me go staring straight in one direction. It was the most awkward hug I have ever gotten in my life. My dad just pops up and is acting like nothing is wrong. I looked to see he was staring at Alex. There is no surprise that it was not a pleasing glare.

"Have a good day. I will be close by if you need me."

"Okay, can we talk after school?"

"Of course."

I started walking up the stairs and did not even look his direction even though I knew Alex was staring at me. He wanted to talk to me, but I was not ready to talk to him. How could he do that to me? Two timing sleaze. I had also done something I regret last night, and I was not ready to tell him yet.

"Katerina! I just want to talk. Please let me explain." Alex walked after me.

"So, talk." I said as I turned to see him almost in tears. I felt pity for him for a moment. Feeling the gaze of someone else I looked past Alex to see Low-life Lorraine and the bandage still on her neck.

"I don't have time to hear your lies. I can plainly see the bandage on her neck. I walked in your house to find that tramp trailing after you calling you 'baby'. I may be many things, but stupid isn't one of them." I said as I walked away.

"It isn't what you think." He said as he grabbed my arm. "Just let me explain!"

I turned to him while he still had my arm and I saw fear in his eyes. I felt my eyes burning and knew that my magic was about to show itself. More times than not, I felt like my magic had a mind of its own. All I felt was rage. He let my arm go and I continued walking into the school. All the while, everyone whispered about me under hushed tones. They were calling me crazy and evil. Didn't they realize I could hear them? I just had to get through the day.

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