Chapter Three

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"This is absolutely insane, I am either dreaming, or I am going crazy."

"Honey, I know this is a lot to take in all at once, but you are not dreaming, and you are most certainly not crazy."

"Oh yeah? She asked matter-of-factly. "Then how do you explain how we got here?" Vee looked at me as if she were wounded or hurt at the fact that I didn't seem to be understanding.

"It is a spell sweetie. I just explained that to you."

I stood in amazement by it all. "I can't be a witch, witches don't exist."

"Then how do you explain how I have brought you here? A different place in a different time?"

"Easy, as I just explained to YOU, I am certifiably insane."

"You are not, and I won't hear anymore of you condemning yourself!"

Looking back at Raphael, I saw he was gathering people from house to house. "What is he doing?"

"I think you know the answer to that." She responded to me with little to no emotion on her face. It was almost as if she were forcing her self to be sad. I find that odd, if she is actually my mom. Shouldn't she be overcome with emotion at this point? Watching me die all over again. I think I would be sad if I were her.

"He is trying to kill me! Well not me, but her, her-me! We have to stop him!" Vee just stood there with tears in her eyes as Raphael had gathered the town outside of my dream self's door. Her tears flowed but they didn't seem genuine. As I looked in her eyes trying to decipher the emotion I was seeing that she seemed to be trying to hide from me. It was then that I saw it, anger. She was angry, but was it about what happened to me or was it because of me? 

"We can't stop him, can we?" I asked as I turned my head to look towards the scene playing out in front of me.

"I am afraid not; we are only spiritually here so that you can see and so that you can make it right."

Watching as the townspeople drug me to my death I noticed Alessandro running to the crowd. He was trying to stop them, he was trying to save me, or rather, her-me. Suddenly, Alessandro was lifted into midair and it seemed incapable of movement. I looked back at Raphael holding an amulet in his hand chanting something in a language she didn't feel like she knew.

"He is performing a spell on Alessandro. Physically we are no match for the nightwalkers, especially the Royal family of Vortigen. They are the highest in rank regarding the night walkers, a form of royalty. They are also the oldest nightwalkers of all of them."

"That amulet," I reached for my necklace, it was my necklace that I wore around my neck.

"As I said, we are physically no match for them, but same goes for our power. That amulet that he is holding and the amulet you are wearing is yours. It belonged to your great grandfather, 'Dorian Gratu'."

"Wait, So Mr. handsome over there, that dream me is in love with, is like, really old? Gross! By nightwalkers, do you mean Vampires?" Looking back at him as he was dropped into the coffin, I noticed he didn't look older than twenty-one. And also noticed he was lifeless. The sight was heartbreaking but even in death he was unbelievably handsome. "With a face like that though, who could blame her, I mean, me?"

"Yes, he is handsome, they all are, but it is forbidden and yes vampire is what they prefer to be called. They take the blood of innocent people and wipe their memories today, but back then, they took lives. I wish you had never caught his attention. He would have used you and your powers, and they would have taken control of us all."

"I am understanding so far, except for the part where it's forbidden, and the being able to control us all with my powers part...Also the fact that witches and Vampires are real." What else was real? What was next? Werewolves?

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