Chapter Six

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"Hey! I am Narcissa, you don't remember me but I am-"

"My sister, I remember you from my dream." I interrupted her. "It's nice to finally meet you. How old are you anyhow?"

"I am fourteen." She was just as pretty in person as she was in my dream.

"Can I ask you a question?" Just meeting her I didn't want to seem rude, but I had to know.

"Sure, but we need to walk and talk, or you will be late to your next class. Spells and curses class is this way." She said to me as she looked at my schedule.

"Okay, so I thought Vampires and witches weren't allowed to be together."

"Ah, so you've met your vampire lover and his evil temptress." She said as she laughed.

"Yeah, something like that. It was my understanding that's what started all of this."

"Well our family and our coven still believe that way, but the other coven doesn't have the same feeling about it. I think you had a lot to do with that. Our family, as Royalty, we were slaves to the Royal Vortigen family."

"So, it isn't against the laws of the covens anymore?"

"It was because of you and Alex, they felt it was more dangerous to have such a law than to not."

"Yeah it only took the death of everyone involved and all first born children for two centuries for them to see things my way." We both laughed. She obviously has the same twisted sense of humor as I did. It was refreshing for someone to laugh at my dark humor. Normally, people looked at me as though I killed their puppy.

Having a sister will be a good thing, I have always wanted a sibling. Walking into class I noticed everyone starting at me. This was just going to be the norm. People were just going to stare at me and secretly stab me with their eyes.

Then I realized 'Spells and curses' class. Just great, as if my night hadn't been crappy enough. The irony of it made me laugh though. As the night went on, I felt myself getting tired. During my last class I noticed the sun peeking on the horizon and the bell rang. Walking out of class I was ran into by none other than the jerk himself.

"If you can't get with the program and out of the way, maybe you should go back where you came from." Raphael said as he stood dusting himself off.

I felt anger bubbling under my skin, it was as if something had taken over and I heard myself speaking a language I didn't even know. "Labi et Cadere." As I said it, and he fell, I knew I had made it happen. I made him slip and fall, and I couldn't help but to laugh along with everyone else that saw. He jumped up and turned to look at me. "You will regret that!" He yelled as he ran down the hall.

I hadn't seen Alex since our last encounter. What am I doing? All day I couldn't get him out of my mind. His touch sent my emotions into a whirlwind. The way he looked at me was as if he could see right through me to my core. I guess his classes didn't match mine completely.

Walking home I felt more tired than usual. Why was I feeling so drained? Maybe it was this town. Being here again must be taking its toll on me. I was Walking so long in thought, that I felt my knees grow week. "I have really got to learn that pop up anywhere I want spell." I said aloud to myself. Looking around I noticed I had gotten lost.

"Just great!" Where was I? Why did I keep walking as if I knew where I was going? It seemed that I had taken a detour through the woods. There were ancient looking statues everywhere. Some looked like the gargoyles from the medieval times and others looked like people. They were all but destroyed. Lost in thought I ran right into a statue in the middle of the pathway.

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