Chapter One

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Yet again, this dream haunted me every year. On this same day, I watch myself chasing this beautiful woman. I was running at a normal speed, as to not alarm her. Her beautiful hair, the color of sunlight, swaying in the wind behind her. Normally, I don't know I am dreaming, but this year I do. The entire town knows this woman to be evil; But as I watch her playfully running in front of me I see an angel. I have always known that I am the reincarnation of my past life.

It has all but been shoved down my throat since a was a kid. Though, as a vampire, I age differently. I have been eighteen for what seems like decades. I saw her turn back laughing towards me with knowing eyes. She knew if I wanted to, I could be there in a split second. As her eyes met mine I couldn't help myself. Seeing those bright green eyes look into mine it made my heart skip a beat.

She knew she had this effect on me. I ran as fast as I could softly speaking her name in her ear as I wrapped my arms around her. We laughed as we rolled together on the ground. "Why would you do that?" She asked, as she pulled herself up and dusted off the dirt and grass from her dress. "Why would I not do that?" I responded.

As she was walking away toward the town, I grabbed her arm. "Where are you going upset like that?"

"Anywhere, so long as it is away from you", she said playfully. As she looked at me, I felt the love she had for me. It was an intense feeling. She was about 5'9, as she came up to my chest. Her sun colored hair blew in the wind releasing her intoxicating scent. It drove me insane. I was like a horny little kid who just hit puberty.

I wanted to do any and everything to her. I wanted to touch her, to kiss her, to feel her...I wanted to taste her. I have never drunk from anyone but even as the thought came to my mind I felt like that wasn't the case for my dream self.

Her green eyes burned through me looking into my soul. This intensity should have made me run away, but instead the look she gave me was as if she knew my deepest darkest secrets. It was as if she knew all the good and bad about me and accepted me in spite of it all.

I wrapped my arms around her as I grabbed her face and, ever so gently, kissed her. I could hear her heart racing, which excited me. She pushed me away playfully and ran to her home. Right before she went inside, she looked back towards me, I called out "Goodnight Katerina" and she gave me a simple smile.

I jolted towards my castle and just as I saw it in front of me I felt a stabbing pain in my heart, and I knew something was wrong. I could feel her fear. I just left her, and she was fine. She was home, and I knew she had spelled her home. What could have happened in mere seconds? I felt myself unable to think straight I ran as fast as I could in the direction I knew she was.

I was trying to fight my way through the crowd that seemed to gather around the center. I didn't want to hurt the townspeople but as I felt her fear and they were the last thing I was worried about. I started throwing people out of my way as I was stopped from moving. I was lifted in the air and I knew he was doing this.

"Well, what do we have here?" He spoke as I turned my attention to see his face.

"Raphael! You snake! What have you done with her!?" I yelled as he looked at me with a menacing smile on his face. Without her power he was nothing and he knew it. If I got my hands on him I would break his neck.

"A snake am I? It seems our definitions of the word snake seems to differ." He spoke as he held his hand in the air. He brought his other hand in the air and I saw the amulet. He was going to kill me with her magic. How ironic.

"All of this and you don't even love her! Why!?" I asked as I continued to feel her fear and for a moment a different feeling. She was angry.

"I don't love her, you are correct. Without her, though, I can't rightfully take the throne and be accepted as the true king. I love Lorraine, but she loves you too! I can't win. At least with Katerina, I will be king and your equal. Besides, she is so beautiful, and has really grown since we were children. Her childbearing hips make me think we will have plenty of heirs to the throne."

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