Chapter Nine

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All I could think of after leaving was her intoxicating smell. Her lips on mine, her fingers in my hair. I ran as fast as I could until I reached my house. I still could not describe what I felt for her. It was too much to be put in simple terms. I yearned for her.

But not just to have her. I yearned for her touch, her kiss, her smell, hell I even yearned for her to simply look at me. I felt vulnerable around her. I felt like the more time I waited to do something about this curse the more I was losing myself, or maybe I was finding myself. Maybe they were one in the same.

All of this was still so confusing. The way she made me feel. The way her very essence made my insides tremble. It was as if I would rather die than to never see her again. I needed to get it together. I had to find a way to stop this.

The more these feelings emerged, the stronger I had to fight them off. The stronger I had to fight, the less willing I was to continue fighting. I was truly in a battle within myself to just control myself. I walked over to my bed and I felt a pain strike through me. It was fear. I was not afraid, so why did I feel this? As soon as I thought it, her face popped into my mind.

"Katerina!" She was afraid, and sad. Why? What was happening? Before I realized it I jolted out of my room, down the corridor and out the castle gate. I had to check on her. Moments ago, she was fine. What could have happened?

"Katerina! Open the door! Are you alright?" I yelled as I knocked on her door. She unlocked the door and I busted in looking around frantically.

"I am fine, but why are you here? Why would you think something would be wrong with me?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"I am not sure; I had a gut feeling and I felt as if you were in some type of danger. It was as were afraid, and I could feel it." I said as I looked around and then to her noticing that she was perfectly fine I sighed with relief.

What did I feel and why did I feel it if she is fine? I felt like she was hiding something from me. But why?

"It was nothing I found-" She trailed off.

"You found what?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing, it was a spider, but what do you mean you felt me?" A spider. That was a lie. Why is she lying to me? For what reason?

As I walked closer to her, I responded, "All I know is I felt a sense of fear, and your face came to my mind, I don't know how I felt you though, I have never drunk from you." I know why I said this to her. I wanted a reaction from her. I wanted to know how she would react knowing what us drinking from someone meant. In a way I was trying to see how accepting she was of me.

"What? What do you mean? Drank from me?" As she spoke and her eyes met mine I saw a tinge of jealousy in those emerald eyes of hers.

"When we drink from someone, we feel them, we know where they are and what they feel."

"So, you drink from someone and you feel them forever? That seems tiresome."

"No, it doesn't last forever, unless-" I stopped mid-sentence. What would she think of me if I told her?

"Unless...what?" She asked with curiosity.

"Unless we share our blood as well. What I mean is, if there is an exchange of blood, there is a permanent bond between us and another person. That hasn't happened between us." I looked her over as I spoke, the thought of tasting her blood was enough to arouse me. My mouth started to water at the thought. I saw the blood rush to her cheeks. "It normally only happens during a more...intimate moment." I said as I brushed the hair from her shoulders eyeing her neck. Am I trying to seduce her? Stop it! I thought to myself.

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