Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Katerina! It is okay. I am here for you." Alex said as he rushed to be by my side.

"I'm the monster here. I cannot even control my own power. It takes over and it is connected to my emotions. I don't know what to do." I continued to cry.

"You are not a monster. I have come back. I have been watching and I can help you. You have to come with me though."

I looked up to my father and realized he was probably the only one who could possibly help me. Even knowing this I did not want to go anywhere with him. I still did not know his intentions. What if I was wrong? I looked out to the crowd as they were all desperately trying to get out still. I spelled the doors open and they all left. How could I face any of them now?

"Freya, if you ever try that again, I'll kill you." I shouldn't have been so blunt, but I meant every word. It was a dog-eat-dog world here and with the time I had spent here I realized that I was in a completely different world than the one I came from. I looked at Alex with sadness knowing that it would be some time before I would see him again.

"Don't leave. We will figure it out. please!?" As he looked at me with sad eyes, I noticed a hint of understanding. He did not want to be without me, but I think he understood if I chose to go.

"I need but one year, and I promise to have helped you and prepared you for what is to come. I am the only one who can help you with the dark magic that dwells inside of you."

I knew he was right. "Alex, I will miss you, but this is something that I have to do."

He looked at me longingly, "I could never replace you in my heart or my life, even temporarily. I love you and we have a long life yet in front of us to share. If you need to do this, I will not stand in your way." He looked at me with such love and devotion. How was I going to leave his side? He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.

"If you need me, remember, I can feel you. No matter how far away you are, I always know where you are, and I always know when you need me. All you need to do is call my name and I will come to you." He said as he kissed me goodbye.

"Ahuuh" Daniel cleared his throat.

She looked over to her father, she would go with him and manage her powers. He will help her control the magic she has inside her. She had to go. She reached for his hand and all at once they had blinked to her home.

"You need to grab a few things before we go?"

"Where are we to go?"

"My home outside of this god forsaken town. Where I have been living at this last year."

"Okay I will only be a minute." I said as I walked inside, shutting the door behind me. I had spelled my home so that nothing could be seen or heard from the outside and I was able to let out a frustrated sigh. Am I really about to go with him? He would be the only one who could even tell me about my family. He will most likely be the only person who could possibly help me to control my magic. Walking into my room I felt someone else's presence.

"Katerina." It was Raphael.

"What are you doing here!?" I asked trying to catch my breath. He startled me. I spelled my house; He should not have been able to get in. How did he manage that, I wondered. Why would he be waiting for me after what just happened? He looked so confused. It was as if something just turned his world upside down.

"Your father is waiting for you. I really don't know what to say, other than, I think he is your best shot at controlling your powers."

"Yeah it's crazy. Everything I have been told seems to have been wrong."

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