Chapter Fifteen

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I hurriedly got dressed and blinked myself to school. As the day went on, I took each test and aced them all as I knew I would, but I was still lost in my own mind. Everything I learned the day before and the dream, none of it added up. I was always told that there are always three sides to every story, yours theirs and the truth. I had to find out everything but more than anything I needed a break from all of this. I missed my friends, and I missed my parents.

Everyone was boasting about how they were going to spend the summer break and even Alex had all of these plans for us. I wanted nothing more than to go back to my old life even if just for the summer. As the last bell rang, I walked out of the school and blinked back home to find Vee waiting by her door. I wondered why she was here.

"Katerina, I have a surprise for you." She said with a creepy grin on her face.

"Okay...what is it?"


I turned to see Amanda running up to me. I could not believe it I was just thinking how much I had missed her. I did not understand how it was possible for her to be allowed to be here.

"I don't understand. How is it that you are here?" Looking to Vee she was asking for confirmation. "How?"

"I have spelled her she won't remember anything once she leaves. I have made it possible for her to be able to stay here all summer so that you can have some kind of solace."

"She won't remember anything. You told her? She is okay with it?"

"Hello!? 'She' is right here, and 'she' can hear you." Amanda said as she placed herself in front of me and Vee.

"I am so sorry; I just didn't think you would be so...okay with all of this."

"I have always told you that you were probably a witch in a past life, that is the only thing that makes sense with your whole burning at the stake birthday dream. Besides, you know I have always been interested in this type of stuff. This is, like, so cool." She said excitedly as she looked around in awe of it all.

"It isn't all that it's cracked up to be, but first things first. Let me get you inside and unpacked and I will fill you in on everything." I had so much to tell her and I needed her advice desperately on so many things.

I hugged Vee and thanked her for bringing Amanda here. I felt so much more comfortable in the fact that I had her best friend with me. It made me feel not so alone.

That morning I stayed up telling Amanda everything. I told her about my dream and what it meant, about Alex and Alessandro and the difference between the two. I told her about Raphael and even 'Low-life Lorraine'. After telling her everything and then filling her in on Dorian, and Stephan, I looked at her waiting for her to say something.

Instead, she stared blankly at me as if she did not know what to say. "Well, there it is. Say something, please."

"That is a lot to take in at one time. I really don't know where to start or what to say." She responded to me with a confused look on her face. She was confused and maybe a little overwhelmed. I knew it was a lot of information to take in all at once.

I knew that Amanda probably would not understand some of it, but it felt good to be able to talk to someone about it. Someone that I knew without a doubt in my mind that I could trust one hundred percent. We started discussing everything and I started to get tired.

There was just so much to discuss and probably too much to do so in one sitting. I could not help but to put it all out there so that when the next day came, I would not have questions and instead she might could give me some insight into things that I myself had questions about.

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