Chapter Fourteen

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"Of course, I hope I had not offended you in any way." She Responded, and as she looked at me I saw a hint of pity in her eyes. I hated when people pitied me. The reason, though, is understandable.

"No, not at all. I just wanted to know, if I am to be this prophesized witch, does that make me evil?"

"It most certainly doesn't. A witch's magic and how it is used comes from the mind and the heart of the witch or warlock wielding it. I will say not a whole lot is known of your family's magic. Nonetheless, in my experience, a witches magic is her own."

"Thank you for that. I really needed to hear that." I had questioned my goodness since I found out I was a witch and who I actually was. I thought of asking about Dorian and where he was contained. The statue flashed into my mind as the thought came. I had been to the 'forbidden path' as they called it and remembered the statue of Dorian. It stood while all others had fallen and broken.

I wondered if it were possible that the witch council had instead turned Dorian to stone instead of putting him in something to be found, they hid him in plain sight. Shaking the thought from my head I realized that I was staring blankly into space while I was supposed to be having a conversation with my teacher.

"Thank you, you have been so helpful. No one has mentioned my father's family since I have gotten here."

"Not a problem. I am always here if you need anything, even just someone to talk to."

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about my father would you?" I asked, since I have yet to hear anyone even mention his name. The look she gave me was fear. What was she afraid of?

"I can't tell you anything about your father." The way she meant to come off was that she didn't know anything and, therefore, is unable to provide me with information. The way I understood her was she knew something and either she wasn't allowed to tell me anything or she doesn't want to.

"Okay, I understand." I replied.

As I walked out of class, I looked down to my locket that I wore around my neck. It was time I had some answers, and I needed to find Vee to get them. Walking without paying attention to where I was going, I ran into Narcissa.

"Oh, I am so sorry!" I said as I accidentally bumped into her.

"No, it was my fault. I wasn't paying attention at all."

"Narcissa, do you know where I can find Vee at right now?" I asked curiously.

"She should be in the prayers point park. She usually sends her prayers to the goddess around this time every day. Why? Is something wrong?"

"No, it is nothing, really. I just have some questions for her is all." I responded as I walked away. Something was telling me not to delve more information than that.

Walking in the middle of town I felt a sense of urgency. It was as if I could not get to Vee fast enough. I wondered what could be causing me the sense of unease that I so suddenly felt. Looking around I realized where I was at. Standing right in front of me stood three pillars side by side. It was the place I was killed at. They kept the pillars in place after all these years. To remember my death? They really do hate me. I thought to myself.

I kept walking, wanting to get past the emotions that seemed to linger inside of me. I found Vee and stopped before walking up to her. The place of prayer was not meant to be interrupted, nor was it to be disturbed in any way while someone sat praying to the Goddess. As I waited, I heard a voice calling out to me. It was not a voice of a man, but instead it was the voice of a woman.

The voice sounded rather angelic. For the life of me, I could not make out what she was saying to me. It was as if she was singing to me. I had not even realized that Vee had gotten up and was staring intently over to me.

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