Chapter Nineteen

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I realized it was my own family tree. At the top it read: Vortigen family tree. At the very top of it read Demon Lord Dorian. I was a direct descendant of the demon lord? That is impossible. "Dad, this isn't even in the realm of possibility."

"Oh but it is, son. We are direct descendants of the Demon Lord and Katerina is the direct descendant of the Goddess Layla. Because many centuries of centuries have passed, you two aren't related by any means, but you two are to be the host bodies of both Layla and Dorian."

"Well wait, why was Katerina's grandfather named Dorian?" Did he know about this? I wondered.

"That servant was immensely powerful indeed. He found all of this information and named himself Dorian. His given name was Luther. He was a self-proclaimed demon lord. He set the witches free, and over the years he also lost his senses. Losing his mind, he began turning to his magic. He created the amulet that would allow him to syphon other witches' magic and turned on his own people. The draw of dark magic is too much for some to handle. But he needed enough power to volunteer to be the host body of Dorian."

"Katerina isn't Dorian and she isn't Layla. I am Also not Dorian, nor am I Layla. Does anyone else know any of this?" All of this information was a lot to process but now that I have this knowledge I have more of an understanding of everything, including Katerina. I wasn't ready to spring this on her yet, as I am sure she is unaware of any of it.

"Stephan. He knows all of this. He is the one who gave me both of these parchments. Without him, I wouldn't even have this knowledge."

"You've given me a lot to think about and a lot to consider." I placed my head inside my palms running my hands quickly back through my hair. I just needed to sleep on all of this for a night.

"You can't marry her, you're feelings and hers were predestined by Layla and Dorian. The night you two marry will be the night Freya and Dorian come back." He looked at me with such concern, but I had a lot to process and very little time to do so.

"Yeah. I am going to call it a night. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight, dad."

"Goodnight son."

Waking from the night before I had tons on my mind. The only thing that would give me comfort or some kind of solace would be to see Katerina. I hurriedly got dressed and as I did a knock came to my door. It was Bernard.

"Young Master, Miss Lorraine is here to see you and she insisted you called for her arrival."

Lorraine was here? What could she possibly want this time? I am getting rather tired of rejecting her. What would it take to get rid of her? I already know her role in all of this. The very sight of her disgusted me. I would really prefer to rip her to shreds, but that would just draw attention to the fact that I am no longer under the memory spell. That would, in turn, ruin my plans. I have no choice but to continue the charade of pretending to care about this insignificant creature.

I opened the door to find Bernard gone and Lorraine standing there looking as pathetic as ever. "What do you want?" I couldn't mask my coldness towards her no matter how hard I tried.

"Why are you so cold towards me? You act like we have no history." She asked as she pushed passed me and sat on my bed.

"Oh come on in, don't mind the fact that I am trying to leave. Why don't you sit a while and we can chat?" I said with sarcasm evident in my tone. I closed the door and stood leaning against the wall as far away from her as possible. Seeing her sit on my bed like that reminded me of our time together and it turned my stomach to think I was brain washed into being intimate with her.

"Headed to see the 'Evil Queen' no doubt." Lorraine responded with a look of disgust evident on her face. The nerve she had to be disgusted with Katerina after all the vile things she is responsible for. For a long while after I realized everything I still felt for her. I didn't want to hurt her. I think it was some kind of Stockholm syndrome.

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