Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning, I didn't want to move. So, I laid there motionless waiting for her to wake up. She leaned over and brushed the hair from my face, leaned over and kissed my cheek. It was then that I realized she hadn't regretted it. A girls first time was special, and most of the time they end up regretting it.

"Wake up Alex. It's time to get ready for school."

"Good morning princess." I responded with a smile.

I looked over to the clock to see what time it was and immediately laid my head back down. I didn't want to go to school today. I actually wanted her to stay in bed with me. I knew that she wouldn't though. She was just so curious about everything. There was no way she was going to miss an entire day of school.

"You can stay here if you want, but I have to go." She said as she got off of the bed.

Grabbing her hand and pulling her back onto the bed I said, "It is my senior year, I am more than able to miss a day or two and get away with it."

"Well, that may be true for you, but it is just my sophomore year, and today we are learning about my great, great grandfather. I can't miss today."

I rolled over looking at her. She was definitely not going to miss an opportunity to learn about her family.

"Very well, I will stay here a little while longer and then I will leave. I may be in later tonight."

"Okay, sleep well." She said as she got off the bed.

As I saw her walking to the door I realized how much I admired her very presence. I ran over to her and stood just behind her.

"Forgetting something?" I asked as I turned her around and bent down to kiss her.

She closed the door and I dropped my head in defeat. She had me wrapped around her finger and she knew it. I walked back over to the bed replaying the night before in my head as I closed my eyes and laid back. I realized I was causing myself to get excited which did me no good with no one around except my right-hand man. I couldn't believe she was still a virgin. It was as if her soul was waiting for me. Just like all those years ago.

I got up and decided to go home. I had meetings to attend today anyhow. There was no sense in going to school when I have heard all of todays lessons before, several times over. It was rather tiring. This act I was putting on was draining me.

I felt exhausted trying to keep up the charade. I hated lying to Katerina but it is for her own good. That night I didn't die. I was merely put to sleep with a spelled dagger. I am a Vortigen. I can't be killed. Everyone, aside from the devils involved thought I was killed that night.

I almost have everything I need as to who was actually responsible for what transpired all those years ago. I am just missing the proof I need for all those who were and still are apart of this entire thing. I just have to keep up the act for the time being.

I walked home enjoying the scenery as I passed by the field Katerina and I frolicked in all those years ago. Centuries had passed since then, but I remember everything like it was yesterday. It wasn't until recently that I discovered that I had been spelled to believe I was reborn. To believe that I died that night. Even my parents were spelled to believe that ridiculous idea. So much has changed in this town over the years, but what remained was this field.

It was a powerful spell to have contained my memory for that long of a time. It was a powerful witch that cast the spell. It was also a powerful witch who lifted the spell. If it weren't for Raphael, I never would have realized what happened and I would still be under the delusion that I was reincarnated.

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