Chapter Twenty Four

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🌶 🔥 ⚠️ NSFW
This chapter contains a spicy scene and is 18+ only!! Thank you! Happy reading!
🌶 🔥 ⚠️ NSFW

He did not use his unnatural speed as per usual. He chased after me like he was a normal boy chasing a normal girl. I looked back seeing him run after me and it felt like Deja vu. This was just like then. Him chasing me just like he did then. I drifted off in thought as I ran and lost track of him. He disappeared into thin air. 'Where did he go?' I thought to myself. Facing forward I ran right into him.

"I caught you." He laughed and picked me up as if he were picking up a piece of paper. He wrapped his arms around me and before I knew it, I was laying on top of him on the ground.

"No fair! You cheated!" I said as I hit him playfully. I looked around and realized it was the same spot. What was it about this spot that we seemed to keep coming back to? It was more than weird that we ended up in the exact same spot every time they went to the woods. I could not shake the feeling that we were being watched. What is going on? Maybe it was just the Deja vu of the area. It had to be. Who would be watching them? It seemed, no matter where I went in this town, I felt like someone was following. Someone was watching. Maybe I am just being paranoid.

Lovingly, I looked down to him and my heart skipped a beat. He was just so utterly handsome. He was the kind of handsome that you only see in movies. The light from the moon was shining down on him. His skin was Sun-kissed tan and his eyes were puddles of honey. I sat up and without saying a word started to unbutton his shirt. I wanted this moment burned into my memory.

"Happy Birthday." Well that was a random thought in this kind of moment. Distracted much?

"What?" how can he think of anything else right now? It kind of hurt my pride a bit.

"It's your birthday. You've been here a year." I knew that, but I never thought much of my birthday. It was always just the dream and arcade with Amanda and John.

"Well thank you. How about you give me a birthday present?" I said as he laughed.

He sat up just barely, Looking at me as if he was unsure of what I was suggesting. Before I knew what was happening, he was on top of me, Pressing his waist into mine. I could feel his member pressing against me.

I was determined to remember this moment. This was me and Alex, not my past self and Alessandro. I welcomed his touch and even more, so I welcomed him inside of me. I remembered the vision and decided to give him my blood.

If anyone were going to feed him it would be me. Not that skank Lorraine. I lifted my hand to his face and caressed his cheek. He looked lovingly at me, squinting his eyes as he pushed himself inside of me. I gasped as I felt him fill me fully. It was as if he was made for me. I took my nail and cut my neck. His fangs instantly came out. He looked at me as if to ask for permission.

"Katerina, are you sure?" he asked as he seemed to be catching his breath.

"I've never been more sure of something in my life." I meant it. I wanted to feel him drink from me. The vision gave me a glimpse but nothing can beat the real thing, right?

I grabbed both sides of his face and turned my neck as if to invite him to drink from me. He was breathing heavily as if he was nervous. He leaned in and the bite was the opposite of painful. It was the most exhilarating feeling. I could feel him bite harder, but it was not pain I felt. It was an indescribable pleasure that I had never felt in my life. He was inside of me and his fangs were in my neck. I did not want him to stop. I grabbed the back of his head pulling him in wanting him to bite harder.

He pulled himself up and looked into my eyes. He smiled down at me and was looking at me with such love it almost broke my heart. He took my nail and cut his neck. He looked at me as if he were asking me if I wanted to. Little did he know, that is exactly what I wanted from him.

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