Chapter Four

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"What are you doing in my house!?" I asked, not really wanting her to answer. I wanted her to take the hint and leave. It was more of a threat.

"We all have some things to discuss with you. Why don't you come over here and sit so you can hear this from your parents?" Vee said as she patted the cushion beside her. I looked over to the chair on the opposite side of the living room and decided to sit as far away from her as possible. I looked to my mom and dad and they had a look of concern on their faces. What did she say to them? They are going to think I am some kind of freak or something.

"Honey, there is a lot to talk about and not nearly enough time to explain it all..." My mom said as she looked towards my dad. He gave her a knowing look with a forced smile and looked over at me.

"Long story short, we love you very much. You will always be our daughter, but everything Venus has told you, is true. You are a princess of the Gratu coven. You were born with powers that surpass even Daniel's, and with these powers and your royal lineage, you have certain responsibilities. My dad told me as I looked at him with confusion. Why was he so calm explaining that to me? Had they known this my whole life?

"How do you-" I started and was interrupted by my mother's hand as she held it up to me to interrupt my question.

"We know all of this because I was a midwife and maid to your mother throughout her marriage to your father and pregnancy with you. She gave me the responsibility to take you and raise you, protecting you from_" She paused and glanced at Vee for a split second. "Your father."

The way she looked at Vee concerned me. It was as if she were afraid of her. But why? What was she trying to tell me?

"See, everything I said to you was true. I need you to come with me. For your own sake, you have to be able to protect yourself. Once you are enrolled in the academy they will teach you to use your powers and you will be able to protect yourself." Vee said to me with a little irritation in her tone. Why would I need protection from my father? I felt like I was in a sitcom.

My mom got up and came over to me pulling me up from the chair. Hugging me she whispered, "You have to protect yourself. Go with her and learn how." She let go of me and stared in my eyes for a second. She was trying to tell me something and I was obviously too stupid to understand her meaning.

Vee walked over to me and held her hand out. "Come, grab my hand and repeat after me. 'Detrahet me in domum suam'.

I looked to my mom and dad, both of them nodding in agreement. If my mom thinks I should do this then I guess I should. I should have felt abandoned, or angry. Instead, I felt like going with Vee was something I had to do. Something was telling me to go.

Grabbing Vee's hand, I repeated what she told me. Everything around me started to fade away and a swirl of wind surrounded us both. All at once the wind stopped and we were in the town from my dream. It seemed more modernized now though, brick houses built sturdy instead of with straw on top.

"Okay, where will I be sleeping tonight?" I asked since it seemed to be night again.

Pointing at a familiar house, Vee smiled. "Right here, of course." Turning I saw that she was pointing at the house from my dream. I get to have my own house!? I thought to myself. I wasn't about to question it. She might change her mind.

"Okay, well I am like super tired, so I am going to bed." I said trying to hide my excitement as I started walking to the house. Walking inside the house I started to remember all the things that were still there. "So, I reincarnated myself, that's not weird at all." I said aloud to myself. The outside of the house was remodeled but the inside remained the same. Walking into the room, almost by instinct, I reached a creaky floorboard and knelt to pull it up finding a black box. Reaching for my necklace I squeezed it and it popped open. All of these years I never knew that it had opened, or maybe I had and that is why I reached for it.

A Reincarnated Curse: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now