Chapter Eleven

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For the next month he walked me to school every day and we talked and laughed and carried on. It was like a dream just to talk with him. To see his smile, was to see the Eiffel tower. In my mind, it was equivalent. Every weekend he took me out and stayed true to his courting me. He wanted to be with me more and more as time passed, and I could tell.

During this time, he didn't overstep any of my boundaries. It was as if he was perfectly content to just be in my company. The feeling that thought gave me was overwhelming. He just seemed to enjoy my company. He didn't push me anymore. He respected me.

He pushed his limits only a little but enough to see what I would allow. It was almost like a dream. At school, the name calling continued, but I did not care in the least. Lorraine's opinion did not matter, and Raphael seemed to accept his defeat. Vee wasn't too keen on the idea of Alex and I together. I also didn't really care.

Walking home from school Alex grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Tomorrow night is my ascension; school is out to commemorate the ceremony. Will you be my date?" He asked me, as if I wasn't already planning on going.

"I will have to check my schedule; I may be able to pencil you in." I said laughingly.

"Oh, will you? You will, 'Pencil' me in?" He started tickling me, as I ran, he chased after me. Before I realized it, I was in the middle of the woods and he was no longer behind me. I stopped running and looked around. I was walking backwards, and Alex grabbed me from behind.


I looked at him angrily, "Don't do that!"

I wasn't paying attention and tripped over a stump, before I hit the ground, he caught me, and we fell together. I was laying on top of him. I brought my face to his and kissed him. I looked up and noticed the spot we were in. It was the one from Raphael's memory. This was the exact spot where we were intimate. The thought made me shiver with desire.

It was ironic that we laid in the same spot that we had before and it kind of scared me a bit. I could not allow myself to be afraid, not with Alex holding me as he was. I felt protected in his arms, and I wanted nothing more, than to be with him in the same way I had seen in Raphael's memories. I pulled myself up to sit beside him.

"I want to show you something." I said to him hesitantly.

"Okay, so show me." He responded as he playfully shoved me with his shoulder.

"Don't get any ideas. That night Raphael was at my house, he showed me something that happened prior to what we see in our dream." I said to him with a knowing look.

"Okay, is this going to upset me?" He asked as he raised a curious brow.

"No, I don't think so." I felt flushed and knew I was turning red from embarrassment.

"Okay, show me." He said as he gently pushed a piece of hair out of my face.

I placed my hand on his head and said, "Memorus Vel Duram".

I closed my eyes to experience the memory again with him. After showing him, I pulled us from the vision and sat to watch his reaction.

"Can you...can you show me that again?" He asked with a mischievous look in his eyes. The look I expected was surprise. The look he gave me, however, confused me. It was more of a 'I know' expression. That isn't possible though. How could he have known?

I pushed him back and he laughed. "So that explains why I can feel you. I told you, who we were then, are big parts of who we are now." His word choice had me wondering why he said it like that.

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