Chapter Twenty-One

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I ran until I got to the meeting hall. I could hear people yelling and complaining from outside the doors. If my father's informant was wrong, I would just be making a fool of myself. I wanted to wait until I heard proof that they were trying to take her magic. It was going to take a lot of strength to bust through the spell they had around the hall anyhow.

It was then that I heard Katerina speak.

"No one is taking my magic! I do not know any of you! I am here because She came to get me." I Yelled as I pointed towards Vee. "I would have been perfectly fine with living in my ignorant existence. But no, You guys brought me here! You all think that you know me but that girl that cursed you, is not me! I am not her."

"Calm down, no one said we were going to take your magic. They were only suggestions, and everyone here is entitled to their own opinions. The suggestion about suppressing your magic is actually something we wish you would consider. If he traces you back here, we are all in danger." Freya spoke as if she were talking about nothing more than taking a doll from a child.

"You all want to suppress my magic because you trapped my father in a prison and are now scared if he isn't out there looking for me, he will come here and do what exactly? Exact revenge on the ones who entrapped him in the first place?" It was then that I realized that Katerina wasn't aware that taking a witch's magic was to take their life. I had to get in there somehow. I slammed myself against the barrier that held them inside.

"For lack of better words, yes." I heard Freya say to her.

"NO! Absolutely not. How would I protect myself if my magic is diminished?" Katerina asked as if it were possible to suppress a witch's magic.

"We hoped you would be more cooperative. Since you are not, we have to do what we have to in order to protect this town." Freya spoke as if she were talking about taking a puppy from a child.

I saw her though the windows. She was in a chair in the air and I could physically see the power she was pulling back into herself. The chair fell and she outstretched her hands, squeezing them into fists. All at once the windows in the room shattered. The wind picked up and I heard Lorraine yelling. I realized the barrier spell had been broken.

"She is going to kill us all! I knew this wouldn't work!"

Turning to Lorraine she smiled. Pulling her hand up, she lifted Lorraine into the air and started closing her fist. She was going to kill her. I didn't care if Lorraine ceased to exist. What I cared about was the impact taking anyone's life would have on Katerina. I called out to her.

"Katerina, you don't have to do this. Stop...please!" She dropped to her feet. The wind that came so suddenly, was gone. the glow from her amulet and her eyes had stopped. No one said anything, it was pure bliss and so quiet.

"Don't ever talk to me again! I do not want to see you and I do not want to talk to you. How good of you to join us though, just in time to save your little blood skank." She said with a sneer. She thought I was stopping her to save Lorraine. I was stopping her to save her, not Lorraine.

"I didn't come because of her. I came because I felt you. I felt your pain and I felt your fear. I felt your anger and I knew I had to come." I couldn't tell anyone that my father had an informant within the witch's council. Not even Katerina.

"Just leave me alone!" She reached for Raphael's hand and asked, "Will you escort me home?" I looked over to Raphael with a warning glance and he nodded in understanding. He's still on my side. Or, so I hope.

"You all are lucky that I got here in time. You're welcome." I scoffed at them as I turned to walk away.

"Why did you come here?" Lorraine asked in a whining tone of voice.

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