chapter 1

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Both Lexi and  Emilia were called to the principals office at 2pm, when they saw each other they both glared at the other. Despite this they were both curious as too why they had both been called.

Lexi put on an innocent smile when they were told to enter "I'm not in any trouble am I" she asked fluttering her eyes.

"No of course not, but I have been told you need to go down to that station. Mrs Smith is here to accompany you" the principal replied.

Lexi and Emilia had no idea who Mrs Smith was but she looked friendly however she also had a sad look.
"Why don't you both get your stuff from your lockers girls" Mrs Smith said.

Thankfully Lexi decided to speak up "I'm sorry I don't mean to sound rude but I don't know who are you"

Emilia was thankful Lexi asked this as she wanted to know too.
"I'm with social services dear"

"Are mum and dad okay" Lexi asks

"Let's just get you girls down to the station"

Time skip

Emilia and Lexi were taken to a small conference area in the police station, only minutes later two police officers walked in with Mrs Smith.

Lexi was bouncing her leg up and down, she was nervous but Emilia still had the stone cold expression. Whatever they were about to tell them, it couldn't be worse than what they did to her.

"I'm officer Williams and this is officer Long" one of them introduced.

"What's going on officer" Lexi asked with a sickly sweet tone making Emilia cringe.

"Well girls we are sorry to pull you out of school like we did but your parents have been arrested for the possession of class A drugs and after investigating we believe them to be involved in other criminal activity"

Lexi knew they did drugs and didn't see a problem with it whereas Emilia knew and hated it.

"So what will happen to us" Lexi asked again sickly sweet tone, she even managed a few tears.

"Well girls usually we would put you in the system however after a quick check it turns out you have family, 4 brothers and your biological father in Italy" Mrs Smith said.

Emilia couldn't help think the worst, it would be just more people to hurt her, more rules and more abuse.

They would give Lexi the world and she would be abused.

"We have contacted your biological father and he has agreed to take you in. He will meet you at the airport when you get off the plane. We will go to your home and you can both pack but then we need to get to the airport, you guys have a flight to catch"


Alessandro had just finished a business deal for the day, he had passed the Mafia onto Damon a few years ago so he rarely worked anymore but when he did, he became the brutal and vicious mafia boss all over again. He spared no one. His son's had learnt everything from him, especially Damon who was so much worse.
No one dared defied Damon or Alessandro. Ever.

As he got ready to head home, he received a call, it was a US number which intrigued him. It was probably from his US clients or something but he anwsered anyway. He was in no mood to be messed around so it better be good news.

"Hello is this Mr Russo" a woman asked.
"Yes, who is this" Alessandro asked half paying attention, he was bored of the woman already.
"I am Mrs Smith from child services. Earlier today Alice and Henry Morgan were arrested for the possession of drugs, we always prefer to keep children with their birth family before sending them into the system, so we are calling to ask if you would like to become the guardian of Alexia and Emilia Morgan"
he nearly dropped the phone when he heard this. Alexia and  Emilia were coming home.

"Yes of course. Where are they now" his attention was solely focused on the woman on the other end of the phone.

"They are currently at school but we are about to notify them of the current situation"

"Okay great, I will meet them tommorow morning at the airport here, I'll send over plane tickets now"

And within a few minutes, Alessandro had purchased two plane tickets to Italy and had them sent to Mrs Smith. He was beyond happy now that his two princesses were finally coming home.

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