breakfast time.
last night had been explosive and Alesandro was tired. He wished everyone would get along.
He knew what Damon could be like, he knew he lost his temper easily.
He had to scold Damon many times for his temper.Breakfast was tense, Lexi still hadn't come down yet.
Matteo was in his own little world eating everything in front of him.
Mason talked to their dad about today.
Dante was in his own little world too, he was lost in thought. Damon was capable of hitting Lexi, he knew that from their talks.
Emilia was lost in thought too, she still couldn't get over the fact she wasn't in trouble, she thought about what Lexi could do next.
Damon was stressed. He had to fix the business deal. It wasn't going well.
"Damon put the files away whilst we have breakfast, you are all so busy, we are having breakfast as a family"
"Lexi isn't here" Matteo said.
"Did you miss our dear sister father" Dante asked snickering.
"No I remembered, go fetch her Matteo" Alesandro said covering up his mistake.
He forgot her... again.
"No need, I'm here" Lexi said entering.
Lexi walked to her seat but as she did she bumped into Emilia's seat, knocking her. Damon finally looked up from his files, he looked like he wanted to murder Lexi.
He stopped his hateful glare when he saw Emilia looking at him with fear.
"How did you sleep" Alesandro asked Lexi.
"I slept ok" Lexi said, there was a tremble in her voice and Dante heard it and smirked.
"Are you okay Lexi, you seem....upset?" Dante smirked.
" I'm fine"
Lexi was not fine. She had spent the night crying. She read the email... How could he say that to her.
"Are you sure, we can go somewhere and talk about it" Alesandro asked.
Lexi hated Alesandro for one reason, he acted like her father, Henry was and she could never replace him.
"I'm fine" Lexi said.
"Is this about Damon because he's going to work soon" Alesandro said.
"He's really scary, and I can't eat without him glaring at me" Lexi whispered.
Alesandro looked at his eldest son and sure enough he had a glare on his face. "Stop glaring at your sister" Alesandro said."Whatever, I'm going to work. I don't have time to sit and eat breakfast because somebody just potentially cost me 25 million" and with that Damon left.
Even Lexi's eyes went wide when she heard 25 million, she didn't realize it was that much money.
All the purses she could buy with that amount of money!"Dad" Mason started.
"Yeah" Alesandro said.
"Her ribs looked quite bad yesterday and with everything going on I took the liberty of booking her a doctor's appointment for after school. 4pm, if you're busy I can take her"
Lexi didn't even bat one of her extremely long fake eye lashes and continued eating.
"I'm free, I'll pick you up after school Alexia" Alesandro said.
Everything was just how it usually was at school, the siblings parted ways and went to their friends.
Emilia met Antonio at his locker as he was the only one in sight.
"You missed yesterday, are you okay" Antonio asked.
Emilia nodded and wrote:
MigraineAntonio nodded "I'm glad you're better today, want me to catch you up on the things you have missed" he offered.
Emilia nodded.
"Great well their wasn't much but after the apology video, the account who was bullying her originally, posted it on the story but changed her voice so it comes out so high pitched and captioned it 'she's really sorry', after that alot of people were bullying her "
Emilia snickered. That would have been funny to watch.
"Can I ask a personal question" Antonio asked.
Emilia nodded
"You don't seem to like your sister very much, or am I wrong and you just act distant at school"Emilia sighed. She trusted Antonio, he always saw through her and would hold her hand when she grew nervous.
She wrote an anwser
Don't tell the others but yeah we don't get along, shes not a nice person, kind of a bully
Antonio nodded "well if I ever catch her bullying you, I'll put a stop to it. Thank you for telling me, I always feel bad when we make fun of her because she is your sister and I don't want to upset you"
Thank you and don't feel bad
Antonio nodded. He never liked Lexi, she was too stuck up but he didn't want to offend Emilia, he was glad he could now say whatever he wanted because she was a total bitch.
"We should get to class"
Antonio noticed she had become more fidgety so he had dropped the topic of Lexi. As they walked he noticed she was digging her nails into her palm, he didn't say anything, he just held her hand and they continued to walk to class.
The day passed by slowly, it was boring but Emilia was thankful she had her friends. They all kept asking her if she was okay, Sophia especially who even got her food so she didn't have to que.
At lunch time, Emilia noticed Lexi was a lot more out of it today, she seemed upset.
What Emilia didn't know was that Lexi was still heartbroken over the email.
Dante knew though and he couldn't hide his smirk. Damon had got her.
He wanted to post something but he didn't know what, he decided to play nice today so he focused his intention back on his friends.
After school, Alesandro picked Lexi up and they drove to the doctor's. Lexi was very fidgety and Alesandro worried for his daughter.
They were soon in the office and Lexi reluctantly lifted her top, the bruise on her face wasn't of much concern so the doctor had only looked at it.
Lexi was hesitant and let out a breath when the doctor finally spoke after the examination.
"It's really not as bad as it seems, no broken bones and it should be cleared in a few days"
So this chapter is shorter anyway same question as last chapter
Did Damon hit her?

the unwanted twin
Ficción GeneralEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...