"so bambina have you decided what you would like to eat" Alesandro asked his daughter.
Emilia shook her head, she was confused what was happening.
It was strange for her to be allowed to eat and now Alesandro was making food just for her.
"That's okay, let's see what we can find" Alesandro said as he opened the cupboard."How about pasta amore" Alesandro asked. He had been dying to make his daughters proper pasta since I hey got here.
Emilia nodded, she didn't want to say no not that she would.Alesandro got to work making pasta for his daughter. He may have been the Mafia don at one point but he had always been good at cooking, no one but his family knew how good he was. Maybe that's why he insisted on keeping the restaurants instead of selling them on.
Emilia watched him and how he cooked, she also enjoyed cooking despite never being allowed to eat the food she did enjoy preparing it.
"Hey Emilia what do you call a fake noodle" Alesandro asked as he stirred the pasta.
Emilia shrugged waiting for the anwser, she was a little caught off guard when he used her name. "An impasta"Emilia smiled at his attempt.
"Oh god did you just make a dad joke. Jesus" Mason said walking in.
Now Alesandro loved all his children but right now he wanted to shoot Mason for interrupting him. "Don't worry I just came to let you know I'm going out" Mason quickly said when he noticed how unimpressed his dad looked, he quickly left again after that and Alesandros smile returned.
(Ok so before anyone gets annoyed with Mason, he needed to come in to accuse Alesandro of dad jokes since Em can't talk)
Can I help
Emilia didn't like feeling so useless so she had written it down, she tapped Alesandro. Alesandro looked down at his daughter, he saw what she had written. "I'm not to sure, I get a little too bossy. I don't want to boss you about" he explained.Emilia gave him a pleading look and he nodded "very well, you can cut the veggies" he said and reluctantly gave her the knife.
Together they both continued to cook with a few more dad jokes from Alesandro.Alesandro was enjoying time with his daughter so much so that his other lifestyle never passed his kind, maybe that's why he was so different.
"What do you think bambina" Alesandro asked once he had given her a plate. He had given himself some too, he wasn't a fan of Lexi's cooking.
Alesandro knew when he saw Emilia's smile that he would be cooking alot more.
It's amazing, thank you
Emilia showed him what she had written which caused Alesandros smile to grow.
"I'm glad you like it bambina, you were an excellent assistant" Alesandro replied.
After they had eaten Alesandro began tidying up. Emilia silently helped him which suprised him "you don't have to" he told her not wanting her to lift a finger.
She continued to help him and Alesandro had a continuous smile. When they were washing and drying up he playfully flicked the bubbly water on her which in return she gave him an offended look. He chuckled at his little girl, she might not be able to speak but her expressions say plenty.
Emilia smiled, she like Alesandro, he wasn't like Alice and Henry. Maybe she would be able to trust him fully?Meanwhile in the other room (this part takes place straight after Alesandro took Emilia out)
"I wonder what dad's making her" Matteo asked. Whatever it was smelt good. The boys always loved it when their dad cooked, Matteo especially as he loved food.
"Probably pasta" Damon muttered, knowing their father wouldn't pass on the opportunity to cook pasta for her.
"Well anyway I've got to go out, I'll tell father then I'll go" Mason said, he took his empty plate to the kitchen.He was shocked to see his dad making a very bad dad joke. It was painful to here.
After telling him that he was going out he left again. He stood in the doorway wondering if he should tell his siblings, in the end he chose not to and left.Now it was just Matteo, Dante, Damon and Lexi.
Dante wanted to be out of the room as soon as possible, Matteo was nearly done and he wanted to leave before Matteo."Oh my god, Damon you know how your my favourite brother in the whole world" Matteo exclaimed after glancing at his phone.
Damon glanced over and nodded for him to continue.
"There is this party for the year group can I please go"
Damon thought about it, usually they would ask their dad but Matteo hadn't wanted to disrupt Emilia's time with him."If you follow the rules then sure" Damon didn't really care as long as they weren't causing trouble.
"Yes I will dont worry" Matteo exclaimed.
The rules were simple. Don't get drunk, no drugs, don't drive home if you are drinking, be back home by 12am or 1am on weekends.
After dinner, Matteo excitedly left to get ready. Dante decided now that his brothers weren't around he would confront Lexi.
"Hi Lexi" he tried to be nice. It seemed to work because Lexi replied "hi Dante, do you want to hang out"
"I have homework, I just want to ask how come Ems food was more spicy than ours"
Lexi mentally cursed "I don't know, I feel terrible I'm such a terrible cook""Hm I just think it's a bit odd but hey what would I know I'm not any good at cooking"
Lexi hid the nervous expression. Dante was on to her and it was obvious he wasn't going to take her side on his own, she would have to get the brothers on board first. She would have to be more careful.
"Although I can't cook I do know how much chilli powder to put in" he continued.
"I do too, it came out all at once though" her lie was believable it seemed.
"Very well you can leave" Dante said, Lexi was quick to leave but stopped in her tracks when she heard Dante mutter "bitch"He saw that she heard and for a good few seconds she looked as though she didn't know what to do.
It didn't last long because she turned on the waterworks "Damon" she cried walking away to find him.
Damon always seemed to be about, he was there in second.
"What happened" he looked between his younger siblings.
"He called me a bitch it just really upset me " Lexi cried."Is this true Dante" Damon asked with no emotion.
"Yes but she was being..." Dante didn't get to finish his excuse.
"Apologize to your sister now " his tone was dark. "O hai dimenticato il nostro discorso" he added menacingly.
T:Or have you forgotten our talk

the unwanted twin
General FictionEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...