chapter 64

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Emilia and Antonio got their food like normal but headed back to their table a different way, this time past Britney, when Emilia reached her she 'tripped' and unfortunately her food went all over Britneys top.

Antonio then pretended to trip over Emilia and his water landed on Britneys hair.

Unfortunately for Emilia she got hit by some of the water too.

The whole cafeteria were either laughing, whispering or had their phones out. Antonio had messaged Sophia beforehand and got her to record it all.

Dante and Matteo were watching from their table and laughed to themselves. "Do you think she did that on purpose"  Matteo asked.
"I genuinely don't know, it looked it but it's Emilia but then again she is around Mason more these days" Dante said.
"Either way that was amazing" Matteo replied.

Britney was annoyed, she stood  "why you little bitch"

"I really don't think you're in a position to call anyone a bitch"  Antonio said.

Britney snickered "still defending her even though she slept with god knows how many people"

"One I know that's utter bullshit and two even if it was true I'd still defend her because I couldn't care less, I suppose it must be hard though knowing Emilia is liked more than you" Antonio said coldly.

"Fine. I know it's not bullshit that your mum didn't love you and that your dad is keeping you around because of pity, I bet even your oldest brother doesn't want you"

Emilia didnt like this one bit, she didn't even think, instead she punched Britney, she was alot more confident now Lexi was gone.

"Holyshit Em" Antonio commented.

Dante was up in an instant. He wanted to know exactly what that bitch had said.

"Why you little...." She started but Antonio cut her off.

"Are you sure you want to finish that sentance, I mean your little crush is behind you"

At this Britney turned around and gulped "hi Dante"

Dante looked at her with annoyance "what happened Em" he asked.

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it"

"Well one of you is going to tell me" he said.

Emilia shook her head to Antonio. He respected her wishes and said "sorry but if she doesn't want to tell you "

Before anything else could be said, a teacher walked in. Someone had gone and got a teacher.

She had Britney, Antonio and Emilia follow much to Dante's annoyance.

In the principals office, they had to talk about how violence wasn't accepted, which Antonio countered that she was bullying Emilia.

In the end after watching the CCTV back it saw Emilia throwing the first punch and only punch so the principal decided that to make things fair all three would be suspended the rest of the day and the next two days, then they would have two weeks detention.

So he called their parents, Britneys came first, they weren't happy that their daughter had been punched and wanted to sue until the principal had slyly mentioned how 'he would need to make her father, Alesandro Russo aware'. Hearing his name they quickly shut up.

Antonio left after his dad gave him permission to walk home as he was at work.

Only minutes later did Damon walk in, looking very pissed.

"My father couldn't make it so tell me, what has my sister done that warrents a 2 and a half day suspension and a 2 week detention" he said.

"Well she punched another student" the principal said.

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