Another chapter guys 🥳"what the fuck, I swear I'll kill whoever is responsible for this"
Mason and Emilia looked at each other then laughed.
"What's going on" Matteo asked.
"I have no idea" Mason said putting on a straight face.
Dante came storming into the living room. He looked furious, so much so that Emilia regretted doing it. "He looks really angry, you don't think he will do anything do you" she whispered to Mason.
"No he won't do a thing"
"I swear to god one of you better own up to it right now"
"Okay enough shouting, you're scaring Emilia" Mason said.
"Fine I'm going to dad about this" and Dante stormed back out.
Emilia looked at the door with fear. She had angered Dante and he was going to tell dad, he would probably be angry too. And then who knows what.
"Hey calm down, you were asleep remember, I did it by myself" Mason quietly reassured Emilia. He saw the fear and decided to fully take the blame as it was his fault anyway.
"But I did it too" she whispered.
"No. You were asleep Lia"
Suddenly Alesandro walked in with a smug Dante.
"Right children, one of you has done this so please come forward now" he spoke seriously but it was obvious he was trying not to laugh
"Sorry dad it was me, I thought it would be funny" Mason said.
"Yes well it wasnt funny was it. You shouldn't have done that" Alesandro scolded but he was smiling.
"Yes father I understand but on the positive side it cheered Lia up didn't it "
Emilia nodded "it did cheer me up, he looks less grumpy now too"
"See you cheered your sister up" Alesandro said to Dante who still looked pissed.
"You both better hope this washes off" he said and walked out.Matteo and Mason were first to break and laughed. Even Alesandro chuckled slightly. "I hope you both didn't use permenant marker" Alesandro stated.
"It's not permenant""Good. Why don't you and Matteo put away the blankets and cushions, Emilia do you want to come help me make breakfast "
Emilia nodded and followed Alesandro out into the kitchen.
"I should be scolding you but his face was priceless, just no more messing with markers okay" Alesandro knew from the moment he walked into the living room Emilia and Mason had done it.
Emilia looked guilty and it was done with masons markers.Emilia figured he knew it was her so didn't bother pretending she had nothing to do with it.
"Okay I won't do it again but in my defense Mason convinced me"
"I'm sure he did, it was quite funny, just a shame it wasn't on Damon"
"Speaking of Damon, why don't you go wake him up for breakfast" Alesandro added wanting to get them talking.
"He's back?"
"Yes, I'm sure he would like to see you too"
"Do I have to" Emilia couldn't bare to see the dark cold look in his eyes again, she didn't want to acknowledge the fact he probably hated her or believed she was dangerous.
"Well no you don't have to"
"I can't yet" Emilia muttered.
"Okay sweetheart that's fine. I'll go wake him up, but you must keep an eye on the food"

the unwanted twin
Ficción GeneralEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...