Emilia struggled to get it off since she only had one arm so she eventually gave up.
All she could think about was the gun.
There was a big difference between playing games and an actual gun. She didn't want to go near him.
There was a knock at her door. She reluctantly told the person to come in.
Mason entered looking dreadful "sorry about before, let's try get it off yeah" he said calmly.
"Why does he have a gun mason " Emilia asked.
"I think it's best he explains it but to put your mind at ease, he has that gun legally "
Mason had chosen his words carefully, the gun he carried around with him during the day he owned legally as Damon realized if he was some how stopped by the police or if someone saw him carrying a gun and reported him, he would get in trouble so he got himself a gun licence so he had no issues carrying one.
Since he was extremely smart, he always covered his tracks, there was the occasional rumour he was the Mafia don but no one could ever prove it he had no criminal record suprisingly. He played the roll of a cold hearted businessman well during the day.
"Has he ever used it" she asked.
"Im not sure Emilia" Mason didn't want to anwser that.
"Now let's get that thing off"
Mason took her downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a first aid kit. "Why does he hate it so much "
"He just does Emilia. I know you want anwsers but some things are best that you don't know" Mason said taking out some rubbing alcohol.
He took her arm and gently began rubbing it in the gang tattoo. "Back to school tomorrow, how are you feeling?" He asked making conversation.
"Honestly I'm scared"
He wasn't expecting that. "Why Lia? Is someone bothering you?" He was concerned for her now.
"It's just I'm not used to the whole talking thing. I know I need to but once I start I won't be able to use a notebook and I'll be expected to talk in front of everyone" she said. She wasn't worried about Brittany as she could handle her.
Mason pulled her into a hug "you never have to talk if you don't want too"
"I do. It's just I'm scared to talk"
"How come"
"I wasn't allowed to talk, I'm scared someone will turn around and do something bad if I talk"
"No Emilia. No one will ever do anything bad like that again " he said firmly and tightened his hug.
"Besides if they do you can tell one of us and we will definitely be letting them know that you can talk" Mason added.
"I'm sorry for getting you in trouble today" Emilia whispered.
"Oh it's fine, I have gotten in worse trouble" he said.
"Like what, you seem like someone who rarely if ever gets in trouble" Emilia asked genuinely interested.
"Well when I was 17, I went to this party. It sounds normal right, only thing was, Matteo snuck out and hid in my car, he wanted to know what a party was like. Anyway I don't realise until im playing beer pong that my 13 year old brother is wandering around the party and has had a few drinks. He thought the punch was fruit juice or some shit. I got in so much trouble from dad that night" Mason told her as he continued to remove the tattoo.
Emilia couldn't help laugh. It didn't seem like something he would do but she realised he probably wasn't as good as he made out to be.
"Yeah you laugh now but dad was going crazy, he thought Matteo had been kidnapped, he was ready to get the police involved"

the unwanted twin
General FictionEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...