chapter 31

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Sunday morning.


Alessandro had to go to work so he decided to go early on so he could see his children in the afternoon.

Everyone was at the table, except Dante.

Halfway through breakfast, Dante walked in. He sat down like it was nothing "good morning family" he said cheerily.

The brothers all muttered a morning.
"Don't I get a good morning from you Lexi" he said, he was obviously back to winding her up.
"I'm in such a fantastic mood today, do you wanna know why Lexi" he continued.
"Why" Lexi asked trying to appear more friendly instead of bitchy.

"Because my dear sister, Damon and I are no longer argueing, he no longer believes I caused that allergic reaction and I explained our little misunderstanding to be what it was, a simple misunderstanding"

That really pissed Lexi off and Dante knew it, it was his plan after all.

"B..but b.. but...." Lexi put on the waterworks and a stutter.

"B...but b...but nothing" Dante mocked.

"Dante stop mocking her, Lexi stop being a baby about it" Damon finally jumped in.

Dante smirked,  he had been told to stop but Lexi was also told off.

"I'm not being a baby, he scares me" Lexi said.
"Well I don't know what you want me to do. He's been told off and punished for it"  Damon just wanted a peaceful Sunday.

"Why won't you take it seriously, if this was Emilia telling you she was scared of him, you would actually do something about it"

Everyone looked at Damon for a response, Matteo and Mason were suddenly very interested in the conversation.

" Well yeah I would take it more seriously because you and Dante already dislike each other, for Emilia to tell me that, then something must have happened consideration how close they are" he explained, but everyone heard the annoyance in his voice when he said 'how close they are'. Anyone could see how he didn't like them being close.

"Has Dante done something to you besides argueing" Damon asked.
"No but he acted like he was"

Emilia rolled her eyes, Lexi always played the victim.

She felt more confident today, she had spoken too her father and two brothers, Damon never got mad at her even when he came to her room last night, they hadn't talked much. He had mostly stayed with her until she fell asleep after making sure she was okay.

She was still not willing to talk in front of her whole family, especially Lexi so she had her notebook in front of her.

"That's just who Dante is, you will need to get used to it" Damon said.

"So I'm suppose to put up and just live with the constant verbal abuse"

Emilia was pissed when she heard this. All she could think of was the fact she had to put up with it. It would have been so easy to say that but she chose not to because she wasn't in the mood for drama.

Dante on the other hand, he loved drama "oh please, you should really start being more nice to me, who knows what skeletons are in your close." he said for everyone to hear, then muttered "or on your laptop"

No one but Damon heard who gave him a questionable look.

"It would be a real shame if you said something I don't like"

Lexi went quiet, she knew what he was implying. She really needed to get rid of him.

"Right now that's settled can we get back to eating" Damon was fed up with them.

They all got back to eating. Matteo decided he wasn't completely done with the drama so he spoke up "you know Lexi, if your scared of Dante, you really don't want to come across Damon when he's angry"
Lexi gulped, she had heard him shouting at Dante, she didn't want to be on the end of it but she had to risk it. She wanted his attention,Emilia didn't deserve it.

"Oh yeah definitely, I've been on the end of it, so so scary. He's like a demon, maybe that's why father called you Damon" Dante added. He may have joked about it but he was genuinely scared of his brother when he was angry. The talks they had never ended good.

"I can still change my mind, you little shit" Damon commented, this time his voice held no malicious intentions, it wasnt dark at all, in fact he even had a small smile as he said it.

"Yeah Dante don't insult your brother, comparing him to a demon when he's more like the devil" Matteo added.

Dante and Matteo snickered, even Mason smiled.

Damon rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

Emilia knew they were serious, Damon had a terrifying look to him last night and she would never want to be the reason for his anger. They may be joking but she knew there was some truth behind it.

Breakfast soon finished after that and Emilia wanted nothing more than to leave the room.

Damon stopped Dante before he could leave "we need to talk" he said.

Everyone looked at him, waiting and wondering what Dante had done. Damon had said it so coldly that he must be in trouble.

Dante silently followed Damon out. He knew he probably pushed it a bit too far.
"So what am I in trouble for this time" Dante asked.

"Nothing yet, I have a few questions about a comment you made about Lexi that's all. I think it's best we do it in private"

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