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Alesandro stood looking on with 4 of his children, Emilia, Mason, Matteo and Dante. None of them could bring themselves to show any emotion as they looked at the grave stone.

The funeral had taken place earlier that day. None of them wanted to go but they did anyway.

They wanted to leave.

Emilia was struggling. She had tears running down her face. She had not spoken to anyone since it happened. She had seen the bullet fly through the air. She had seen it happen. Mason had his arm around her shoulder but it didn't do nothing. He didn't want to be here. Dante and Matteo both had a glare as they looked on.

Alesandro was stood with no emotion. That day had changed him. Looking at the gravestone, all he felt was anger. If he had of done more, none of this would have happened.

"Are you okay dad" Mason finally was the first to speak.

Alesandro turned round and with a vicious tone he replied"of course I'm not okay, what kind of stupid question was that"

Emilia shuddered, she had never heard that tone from Alesandro before and it scared her.

Mason felt Emilia tense up at their dads tone, he removed his arm from her shoulder and knelt in front of her. "It's going to be okay Lia" he gently said, he was trying his best to show emotion but he was failing.

"I just want damon back" she whispered.

Alesandro turned around at that, his gaze with cold

Emilia gulped. She was no longer in Alice and Henrys grasp but something told her things were never going to be the same.

Perhaps this would be the new normal.

Soo the book has come to an end, I finished this in roughly two months. Which is quite good although alot of you are probably pissed right now but thank you for reading this book

So you all probably hate me for this ending and want to give up this book and not bother with the sequel. Please do check out the sequel before you decide not to read it though. You have come this far, you might as well check out the sequel. Even if it's just a few chapters you won't regret it. Promise it's worth investing your time in book 2.

Sequel will be out shortly after I have name for it so hopefully won't be too long. I have started writing it though.


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