chapter 49

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It had been a few days since Emilia had come home, she wasn't in hospital for long but she was off school. The other 3 were back at school though.

Lexi had dumped the knife in a nearby river on a break, she was careful to not be caught.

Emilia was distant, she didn't leave her room. Everyone tried but they knew she needed time. They would sit with her and talk, she never anwsered, she barely nodded it shook her head and it worried them greatly.

It was just after dinner now, Alesandro, Damon and even Mason had taken it in turns on days they wouldn't work so someone was always around.

During dinner, Lexi continued her act, asking how Emilia was and so on.

Damon was quiet, deep in thought.

Alesandro was trying to cheer his kids up.

Mason ate quietly.

Matteo wasn't really hungry and was playing with his food.

Lexi asked about Emilia but are normally.

It was Dante's turn to eat with Emilia, they took turns, yesterday had been Alesandro.
They didn't want to overwhelm her so they only went in one at a time.

Dante told Emilia about his day as they ate, he kept pausing to encourage Emilia to eat a little more. He was concerned about her and he knew he would need to tell their dad about it.

Meanwhile Damon was frustrated, he was getting nowhere. No one suspious was seen on the school grounds. It was a member of staff or student. 10 classes were let out early. Roughly 150 students, and quite alot of staff as he had to take into account receptionists ect.

(Going of the basis 15 per class as it's a private school)

He then had the chance to see who had gone near that area, nothing suspicious only students walking past and teachers.

He determined whoever did it had walked past with the other students and teachers and waited in the blind spot.

He checked the camera in the other direction, again nothing suspicious, there was lots of students missing as they had gone up the stairs further onto the next floor where they had presumably gone to their lockers.Another blind spot.

No witnesses were there.
No weapon found.
Cameras didn't show anything. There was quite a few blind spots.

He had figured out what had happened, the person came out with others, waited and stabbed her, most likely pushing her down the stairs and waiting until students finished and left with the rest of the students.

This person was clever but he was a hell of alot smarter.

He was sat going over the names of students in the classes that had been let go early. He then noticed one in particular and a wicked grin appeared on his face.

He decided to go have a little chat with that person.

He knocked on Lexi's door, Lexi heard it and managed a few fake tears before opening the door.

"We have all been paying so much attention to Emilia that I forgot no one has asked about how you are" Damon asked playing the concerned brother.

"Oh..I'm okay, I just wish she would speak to me" Lexi anwsered, a little suprised he was asking her.

"Yeah me too. May I come in"

She nodded and let him in.

"It's terrible what happened, but you don't need to worry I'm close to catching the person who hurt your twin" Damon said looking at her carefully.
"Oh. How far are you" Lexi asked keeping a straight face.
"Well I've limited the list of people down, it turns out your class was one of 10 that got let out early. Funny that isn't it" he said like it was a casual conversation.
"Yeah it was" Lexi agreed.

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