I'm back!! with the chapter everyone so desperately wants.
I do want to remind everyone though that Lexi won't be a suspect just yet because although Damon and Dante know Lexi is a bitch, there is alot of difference to being a bitch and straight up stabbing her.And considering they are sisters at the end of the day, it's not something they think Lexi would do.
Again they don't know about the abuse and what happened to Emilia growing up .
Lexi stared down at her unconcious sister with a smile. She was now out of the way. She slipped into the school toilets and waited for the bell, she would be able to come out and blend in with everyone.
The bell rung and students hurriedly left, eager to get home. Suddenly there was a shout.
"Oh god is she okay"
"Obviously not"
"Isn't she a Russo"
"Fuck"Throughout the talking between students, teachers had arrived and we're dealing with it, they had called for an ambulance, and sent someone to find Dante and Matteo.
Lexi knew she had to act like she had no clue what had happened.
So she played the part of an emotional sister and ran for her crying. "Emilia, oh god what happened? what had happened to her? Why is she unconcious?"
Dante and Matteo had no clue what was going on inside the building, Matteo was walking out laughing and talking with his friends and Dante was talking to a group of girls.
A teacher came out and her nerves got the best of her but she managed to put them aside.
"You boys need to come with me" she stated.
"Now why would we do that. School is over" Dante snapped not liking that he was interrupted.
"It's your sister, Emilia. There has been an inncident, please follow me " the woman rushed out.
Dante pushed the girl off him but she only complained and tried to stop him "touch me again and I will shoot you in the fucking face" he snapped.
The brothers followed the teacher.
Dante was impatient and didn't know what to expect. He thought she had a headache or wasn't feeling well or at worst she had been bullied. But never this. He spotted her unconcious and ran to her. Blood dropped out of her side, teachers had sent the students home so she was laid around the teachers. Two of them were holding the wound, one was on the phone to the ambulance, another was monitoring her heart rate.
"Emilia" he dropped his bag in shock and raced over with Matteo quickly following.
"What happened" Matteo asked with tears in his eyes.
"We are not sure, students found her like this.the Ambulance is a few minutes away" one of the teachers said.
"Well clearly it wasn't an accident " Dante said darkly, missing out the part where he threatened to kill whoever was responsible.
"We tried getting hold of your father but he's not answering" a teacher said coming up to them.
Dantes face dropped. Damon was back and he was going to be angry. He had seen Damon angry, he had seen what Damon did to his victims, he had seen what Damon was capable of but he knew that when Damon found out, he would be more angry than he's ever been before. Being still in school meant their dad and Damon didn't like them doing mafia stuff but when Damon let them join in, well Dante saw how cruel and sadistic Damon truly was.
"He's away on business, our eldest brother is acting guardian" Matteo explained.
"I'll call him, it's best he heard it from me" Dante muttered. Matteo was in no shape to talk, he was trying to be strong and kept wiping the tears that gathered in his eyes.

the unwanted twin
General FictionEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...