chapter 33

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Ok so before I start this chapter I want to say thank you to everyone who reads/ votes/ comments. I thought this book would get like 10 views per chapter or something but it seems you guys love it. I do try to reply to a few comments each chapter but I do read most if not all and usually you guys are asking for updates which is good but I'm shocked you guys like it this much. Thank you for taking the time to  read this book.

"What's your plan"

"Well you have just pulled me away to talk, let's have an argument"

"And what exactly are we argueing about and how will that help" Damon said as he brought out two more glasses and began pouring alcohol into them, he only filled them halfway.

"Well if we let her think you are blaming me for it all, we can show her what you are capable of"

"I rather show her personally what I'm capable of" he handed Dante the second glass.

"So would I but it would be good to leave her wondering, let her imagination run wild"

"I wonder how many bones are in a body" Damon mumbled as he took a drink.

"Surely your genius iq knows that" Dante rolled his eyes.

"You know I always get confused whether it's 206 or 207, I might need to relearn it" Damon said like it was a casual discussion.

"You know Damon Im sure it's 208" Dante replied.

"Oh, I suppose we both need to relearn it" Damon had a wicked smirk.

They both thought about it for a few minutes before getting serious again. They couldn't do that.

"So dad will be back soon, we convince him to spend time with Emilia, he will love that. Once she's out of the house the fun will begin" Damon said.

"Yeah it would be best if they are both out of the way, we don't want Em knowing and fearing us or dad stopping us" Dante added.

"Exactly" Damon replied and finished his drink.

"Now let's go out onto the hallway "

Dante nodded.

Dante left his glass but Damon brought his.

"No hard feelings" Damon muttered.

"As long as we make them suffer we're all good" Dante replied quietly.

Damon nodded. He was already pissed so it didn't take much.
Damon threw the glass at the wall, it may have seemed like he mistakingly missed out of anger but he was very careful when throwing it as he didn't want to hurt Dante. It got everyone's attention though.
"Go to your room, I'll deal with you later. How fucking dare you. You better be grateful I don't have as knife on me or I would be skinning you alive right now" Damon yelled in a dark tone.
Dante smirked "or what? What are you going to do, you don't have a knife on you"
"You have no idea what I'm capable of Dante, I suggest you leave now. I suggest you don't even look at Emilia from now on, what you have done is completely unacceptable "
Dante decided not to go further so he left to his room.

Damon stalked his way to Emilia who was watching in fear. "My office Emilia" he said darkly.

Emilia followed in fear.

Once the door was completely shut, Damon's persona changed. "I'm sorry, Dante didn't do anything either" she whispered.

"No Emilia, I am so so sorry. What you just saw was nothing serious, I'm not angry with him. We came up to talk about his attitude, we are on good terms now but he wanted to make a dramatic exit and because I haven't been fair to him I agreed and he told me we should argue. Personally I think he just wants attention and sympathy, you know what an idiot he can be at times" Damon explained hoping she would believe him.

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