Damon stared at her. She spoke. Her first words to him were something he never expected to hear from her.
He couldn't help the big smile and he couldn't help when he picked her up and hugged her, he even spun her slightly.
"I'm so so proud of you. I love you too" he said and just like that the fear of what would happen now that she spoke vanished.
But she still didn't feel ready to talk. She still didn't know if she could. Especially in front of Lexi.
"Please don't tell" she whispered.
"Why not" Damon asked.
"I'm not ready, I can't yet...please just ..." it was clear she was struggling and so Damon nodded.
"Very well, whenever you're ready" Damon knew this was a big step for her and so he let her take it at her own pace.
"Thank you" she whispered and hesitantly hugged him again.Damon however didn't hesitate to hug her again.
"How about we go get breakfast" he reluctantly suggested. He just wanted to spend time with her so he could talk to her.Everyone but Alesandro was sat eating, Matteo was telling everyone hope much he loved food.
Dante was quiet and emotionless, even more so than Damon who had a smile on his face.
It was an unusual sight seeing there brother happy so all three of them were a little shocked. Eventually mason decided to say something "what got you in a good mood Damon"
Damon straightened his face however the smile came back. He was just too happy, his little sister had told him that she loved him. He wanted to brag about it but he couldn't "oh just some business deal" he said like it was nothing.
Dante found this odd, he had never smiled at a business deal before and he had the same smile that he had yesterday when she spoke to him. Maybe she spoke to Damon?
He looked at her and they caught each others gaze. Emilia nodded in confirmation. Dante grinned, once she started talking to everyone, he could rub it in their faces that he was the first she talked too, his smile dropped when he realized she had talked to Damon so she probably won't come to him anymore, she would go to Damon. Why would she want to go to him if she had Damon.
"So what's everyone doing today" Alesandro asked his children as he walked into the room, he had been at a early morning business meeting and had just gotten back.
"Lexi and I are probably going into town" Matteo said. He had promised they would do something together.
"What are we doing" Lexi asked smiling.
"Anything you want" Matteo didn't do favourites but he spent a lot more time with Lexi than he did Emilia. Mason was the same, he had spent more time with Lexi simply because Damon or Dante always had to be with Emilia, they were way to protective. That's not to say Mason had a favourite as he did enjoy Emilia's company especially the other day when they took the piss out of Damon, that he definitely enjoyed."That's great. What about you four" Alesandro asked.
Dante shrugged. Damon and mason didn't like him near Emilia.
"I'm going out with some friends" Mason replied.
"Damon why don't you and Em go out too" Dante suggested. If everyone was out it would give him chance to prove his innocence.
"You should go with them" Alesandro added.
"No I've got tons of homework " Dante replied.
Alesandro worried about Dante, he had always been the recluse when it came to family. He started to get better but after Damon had talked to him, he was getting more recluse then ever.
Dante was very social with friends but Alesandro saw these friends as a bad influence, not that he tried to stop him going out as he knew his family was worse.
He worried about all his children, it was a natural instinct.
Damon had serious anger issues and although it benefitted him at work, he worried one day it would do more damage then good.
Matteo and Dante partied too much and God knows what else. He definitely wouldn't be suprised if one of them got an std at some point.
Mason he was least concerned about as he had a job, he socialised a normal amount and he barely did anything to get into trouble outside the Mafia that is.
He wasn't too concerned about Lexi either, she was just a little spoilt in his opinion.
Now Emilia, he was concerned about her the most, for obvious reasons.
"Fine you can do your homework, but try get some fresh air" Alesandro said, it was his final year so he understood the pressure Dante was facing.
It was true Dante had homework but it wasn't too hard so he would get that done after he found some evidence.
Later that day, everyone was out, Dante was alone in the house and the first place he went too was the laundry room. He had checked CCTV there was nothing unusual, their dad, Mason and Damon came in to wake him up, Matteo was in a few times to discuss games, food or whatever it was, Dante didn't really listen to Matteo much as he would go into mini rants about little things. Emilia was in a few times, after teaching her to game, they had started to play in their free time. Lexi was in a couple times to when she had been given chores. Damon had originally given her two days but Alesandro didn't want her doing all that much so Damon had it changed so she did the same but it was split across several days.
The laundry room held no clues,Mary was there though folding washing. "Is there anything I can do for you" Mary asked when she saw Dante.
"No I'm okay, just trying to prove I didn't hurt my sister" Dante said not wanting to get into Mary's way. He didn't mind Mary, she was like a mother figure to them but he would never see her as a mother figure simply because he hated the word 'mother'. However she had worked for the family for several years, she did alot for them and he trusted Mary enough not to even consider her as a suspect."Well wasn't it found in your room" Mary asked.
"Yes but I would never hurt her" Dante said.
"Well your family rather look at the facts then take your word for it. Please don't take offence to this but I think when you decide to hurt someone you're quite calculated about it unless it's out of anger but when it's anger you don't get rid of evidence, however this time the bottle was under your bed, it's not something you would do, you are the type to plant it in someone else's room""Well obviously, I'm being framed"
"Maybe by a certain someone who had laundry as a chore a few weeks back" Mary suggested. She couldn't voice these opinions to her boss because blaming his daughter would only get her fired however making a suggestion to his son who was looking for evidence to prove his innocence would work just as well.
"Wait are you saying Lexi did it""Oh no, not at all, Its more of a suggestion on where to look. I have some washing to put away in the girls room it would be a massive help if you could take Lexi's whilst I put away Emilia's"
Dante grinned "it would be my pleasure"
Quite a short chapter, nothing really interesting is happening in this but it's a build up. Will Dante find anything in Lexi's room or will it be a waste of his time?

the unwanted twin
General FictionEmilia and Lexi were twins but they couldn't be more oppersite if they tried. Emilia was selective mute, she was taught not to speak unless spoken to as time went on she stopped talking to people all together. Her mother and step father abused her s...