chapter 23

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"so it seems everyone has left" Damon stated as they left the living room.

"So here is the plan for today, I have a meeting I can't miss in two hours so we will go to that, you can wait in my office and once I'm back we will go to the doctor's then we are going shopping " Damon continued.

Why the doctors, I'm fine

"Yes but dad has already booked you an appointment for a skin prick test"

Which is...

"Oh it's just to confirm that you are allergic to the fabric spray"

Emilia nodded she didn't like the sound of it but it could help prove Dante's innocence.

"Great. Quickly go get ready, make sure you haven't worn it before " Damon said.

Emilia was hesitant but quickly left to get ready. It turned out the only thing she had left that she hadn't worn was hoodies, cami tops and joggers.  She felt insecure knowing she was going into a fancy workplace building where everyone wore suits and skirts. Damon was wearing a suit that probably cost a few grand and here she was in top and joggers.

She felt like she looked homeless compared to Damon however she was thankful her arms had healed up, she never could wear sleeveless tops as her arms were covered with bruises but over the past few weeks her bruises had healed

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She felt like she looked homeless compared to Damon however she was thankful her arms had healed up, she never could wear sleeveless tops as her arms were covered with bruises but over the past few weeks her bruises had healed.

She walked downstairs slowly, Damon was at the entrance way on his phone, he spoke in Italian, his accent more sharp. She dreaded his reaction to her clothes, he would find it disrespectful that she wanted to visit his work place like this.

Damon saw her and ended the call, he smiled "ready to go" he asked. She slowly nodded. Surely it must be a trap or something?

They went to the garage, she still wasn't used to seeing so many cars.

"Would you like to pick" he asked her.

Damon had his own collection of cars, Matteo and Dante shared a few, Mason only had two and Alesandro had 4.

"Pick any you want" he said and motioned to his cars.
It wasn't a suprise he mostly had sports cars with only a few 4x4s. She chose a random car, all she knew about it was the colour. Black.

Damon nodded and got the keys to it "great. Let's get going"

They pulled into the car park and before Damon got out, he turned and spoke

"Do you remember how dad gave you rules for school"
Emilia nodded already seeing where this was going.

"Ok so will you follow these ones too. Just whilst we are inside"

Emilia nodded. It was only fair since this was his work place.

"Great. Stay by my side until we get to my office, no leaving my floor, and do not talk to anyone unless i say it's okay"

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